5 research outputs found

    Liveness verification of reversal-bounded multicounter machines with a free counter

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    Abstract. We investigate the Presburger liveness problems for nondeterministicreversal-bounded multicounter machines with a free counter (NCMFs). We show the following:-The 9-Presburger-i.o. problem and the 9-Presburger-eventual problem areboth decidable. So are their duals, the 8-Presburger-almost-always problemand the 8-Presburger-always problem.- The 8-Presburger-i.o. problem and the 8-Presburger-eventual problem areboth undecidable. So are their duals, the 9-Presburger-almost-always prob-lem and the 9-Presburger-always problem. These results can be used to formulate a weak form of Presburger linear tem-poral logic and develop its model-checking theories for NCMFs. They can also be combined with [12] to study the same set of liveness problems on an extendedform of discrete timed automata containing, besides clocks, a number of reversalbounded counters and a free counter. 1 Introduction An infinite-state system can be obtained by augmenting a finite automaton with oneor more unbounded storage devices. The devices can be, for instance, counters (unary stacks), pushdown stacks, queues, and/or Turing tapes. However, an infinite-state sys-tem can easily achieve Turing-completeness, e.g., when two counters are attached to a finite automaton (resulting in a "Minsky machine"). For these systems, even simpleproblems such as membership are undecidable

    Vérification relationnelle pour des programmes avec des données entières

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    Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse sont lies aux problèmes de vérification de l'atteignabilité et de la terminaison de programmes qui manipulent des données entières non-bornées. On décrit une nouvelle méthode de vérification basée sur une technique d'accélération de boucle, qui calcule, de manière exacte, la clôture transitive d'une relation arithmétique. D'abord, on introduit un algorithme d'accélération de boucle qui peut calculer, en quelques secondes, des clôtures transitives pour des relations de l'ordre d'une centaine de variables. Ensuite, on présente une méthode d'analyse de l'atteignabilité, qui manipule des relations entre les variables entières d'un programme, et applique l'accélération pour le calcul des relations entrée-sortie des procédures, de façon modulaire. Une approche alternative pour l'analyse de l'atteignabilité, présentée également dans cette thèse, intègre l'accélération avec l'abstraction par prédicats, afin de traiter le problème de divergence de cette dernière. Ces deux méthodes ont été évaluées de manière pratique, sur un nombre important d'exemples, qui étaient, jusqu'a présent, hors de la portée des outils d'analyse existants. Dernièrement, on a étudié le problème de la terminaison pour certaines classes de boucles de programme, et on a montré la décidabilité pour les relations étudiées. Pour ces classes de relations arithmétiques, on présente un algorithme qui s'exécute en temps au plus polynomial, et qui calcule l'ensemble d'états qui peuvent générer une exécution infinie. Ensuite on a intégré cet algorithme dans une méthode d'analyse de la terminaison pour des programmes qui manipulent des données entières.This work presents novel methods for verification of reachability and termination properties of programs that manipulate unbounded integer data. Most of these methods are based on acceleration techniques which compute transitive closures of program loops. We first present an algorithm that accelerates several classes of integer relations and show that the new method performs up to four orders of magnitude better than the previous ones. On the theoretical side, our framework provides a common solution to the acceleration problem by proving that the considered classes of relations are periodic. Subsequently, we introduce a semi-algorithmic reachability analysis technique that tracks relations between variables of integer programs and applies the proposed acceleration algorithm to compute summaries of procedures in a modular way. Next, we present an alternative approach to reachability analysis that integrates predicate abstraction with our acceleration techniques to increase the likelihood of convergence of the algorithm. We evaluate these algorithms and show that they can handle a number of complex integer programs where previous approaches failed. Finally, we study the termination problem for several classes of program loops and show that it is decidable. Moreover, for some of these classes, we design a polynomial time algorithm that computes the exact set of program configurations from which non-terminating runs exist. We further integrate this algorithm into a semi-algorithmic method that analyzes termination of integer programs, and show that the resulting technique can verify termination properties of several non-trivial integer programs.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Model checking infinite-state systems: generic and specific approaches

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    Model checking is a fully-automatic formal verification method that has been extremely successful in validating and verifying safety-critical systems in the past three decades. In the past fifteen years, there has been a lot of work in extending many model checking algorithms over finite-state systems to finitely representable infinitestate systems. Unlike in the case of finite systems, decidability can easily become a problem in the case of infinite-state model checking. In this thesis, we present generic and specific techniques that can be used to derive decidability with near-optimal computational complexity for various model checking problems over infinite-state systems. Generic techniques and specific techniques primarily differ in the way in which a decidability result is derived. Generic techniques is a “top-down” approach wherein we start with a Turing-powerful formalismfor infinitestate systems (in the sense of being able to generate the computation graphs of Turing machines up to isomorphisms), and then impose semantic restrictions whereby the desired model checking problem becomes decidable. In other words, to show that a subclass of the infinite-state systems that is generated by this formalism is decidable with respect to the model checking problem under consideration, we will simply have to prove that this subclass satisfies the semantic restriction. On the other hand, specific techniques is a “bottom-up” approach in the sense that we restrict to a non-Turing powerful formalism of infinite-state systems at the outset. The main benefit of generic techniques is that they can be used as algorithmic metatheorems, i.e., they can give unified proofs of decidability of various model checking problems over infinite-state systems. Specific techniques are more flexible in the sense they can be used to derive decidability or optimal complexity when generic techniques fail. In the first part of the thesis, we adopt word/tree automatic transition systems as a generic formalism of infinite-state systems. Such formalisms can be used to generate many interesting classes of infinite-state systems that have been considered in the literature, e.g., the computation graphs of counter systems, Turing machines, pushdown systems, prefix-recognizable systems, regular ground-tree rewrite systems, PAprocesses, order-2 collapsible pushdown systems. Although the generality of these formalisms make most interesting model checking problems (even safety) undecidable, they are known to have nice closure and algorithmic properties. We use these nice properties to obtain several algorithmic metatheorems over word/tree automatic systems, e.g., for deriving decidability of various model checking problems including recurrent reachability, and Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) with complex fairness constraints. These algorithmic metatheorems can be used to uniformly prove decidability with optimal (or near-optimal) complexity of various model checking problems over many classes of infinite-state systems that have been considered in the literature. In fact, many of these decidability/complexity results were not previously known in the literature. In the second part of the thesis, we study various model checking problems over subclasses of counter systems that were already known to be decidable. In particular, we consider reversal-bounded counter systems (and their extensions with discrete clocks), one-counter processes, and networks of one-counter processes. We shall derive optimal complexity of various model checking problems including: model checking LTL, EF-logic, and first-order logic with reachability relations (and restrictions thereof). In most cases, we obtain a single/double exponential reduction in the previously known upper bounds on the complexity of the problems