32 research outputs found

    EENED: End-to-End Neural Epilepsy Detection based on Convolutional Transformer

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    Recently Transformer and Convolution neural network (CNN) based models have shown promising results in EEG signal processing. Transformer models can capture the global dependencies in EEG signals through a self-attention mechanism, while CNN models can capture local features such as sawtooth waves. In this work, we propose an end-to-end neural epilepsy detection model, EENED, that combines CNN and Transformer. Specifically, by introducing the convolution module into the Transformer encoder, EENED can learn the time-dependent relationship of the patient's EEG signal features and notice local EEG abnormal mutations closely related to epilepsy, such as the appearance of spikes and the sprinkling of sharp and slow waves. Our proposed framework combines the ability of Transformer and CNN to capture different scale features of EEG signals and holds promise for improving the accuracy and reliability of epilepsy detection. Our source code will be released soon on GitHub.Comment: Accepted by IEEE CAI 202

    Fast Training of NMT Model with Data Sorting

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    The Transformer model has revolutionized Natural Language Processing tasks such as Neural Machine Translation, and many efforts have been made to study the Transformer architecture, which increased its efficiency and accuracy. One potential area for improvement is to address the computation of empty tokens that the Transformer computes only to discard them later, leading to an unnecessary computational burden. To tackle this, we propose an algorithm that sorts translation sentence pairs based on their length before batching, minimizing the waste of computing power. Since the amount of sorting could violate the independent and identically distributed (i.i.d) data assumption, we sort the data partially. In experiments, we apply the proposed method to English-Korean and English-Luganda language pairs for machine translation and show that there are gains in computational time while maintaining the performance. Our method is independent of architectures, so that it can be easily integrated into any training process with flexible data lengths

    Quantized Transformer Language Model Implementations on Edge Devices

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    Large-scale transformer-based models like the Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) are widely used for Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications, wherein these models are initially pre-trained with a large corpus with millions of parameters and then fine-tuned for a downstream NLP task. One of the major limitations of these large-scale models is that they cannot be deployed on resource-constrained devices due to their large model size and increased inference latency. In order to overcome these limitations, such large-scale models can be converted to an optimized FlatBuffer format, tailored for deployment on resource-constrained edge devices. Herein, we evaluate the performance of such FlatBuffer transformed MobileBERT models on three different edge devices, fine-tuned for Reputation analysis of English language tweets in the RepLab 2013 dataset. In addition, this study encompassed an evaluation of the deployed models, wherein their latency, performance, and resource efficiency were meticulously assessed. Our experiment results show that, compared to the original BERT large model, the converted and quantized MobileBERT models have 160×\times smaller footprints for a 4.1% drop in accuracy while analyzing at least one tweet per second on edge devices. Furthermore, our study highlights the privacy-preserving aspect of TinyML systems as all data is processed locally within a serverless environment.Comment: Accepted for publication on 22nd International Conference of Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 202