1 research outputs found

    Liquid Penetration Modeling for Cloth Dyeing

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    This paper presents a model of cloth dyeing using the characteristics of the thread and weave pattern. The proposed dyeing model is based on Fick’s second law that defines the molecular transfer under translational diffusion [Fic85]. The algorithm in the proposed model calculates the dyeing distribution from parameters such as the amount of dyeing, saturated amount, and pressure in each cell on a timeline. We improve the algorithm based on Fick’s second law to consider a woven cloth structure and describe the proposed model of the structure of woven cloth as a two-layer cellular model. We then visualize the cloth using a simple 2D shading method of asperity by using the color distribution on a dyed image of real woven cloth. In addition, we provide a method for producing dyeing patterns without dyeing diffusion. The proposed method produces images that capture several of the characteristics of dyeing observed in real dyed cloth. Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Picture/Image Generation 1