116 research outputs found

    English–Welsh cross-lingual embeddings

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    Cross-lingual embeddings are vector space representations where word translations tend to be co-located. These representations enable learning transfer across languages, thus bridging the gap between data-rich languages such as English and others. In this paper, we present and evaluate a suite of cross-lingual embeddings for the English–Welsh language pair. To train the bilingual embeddings, a Welsh corpus of approximately 145 M words was combined with an English Wikipedia corpus. We used a bilingual dictionary to frame the problem of learning bilingual mappings as a supervised machine learning task, where a word vector space is first learned independently on a monolingual corpus, after which a linear alignment strategy is applied to map the monolingual embeddings to a common bilingual vector space. Two approaches were used to learn monolingual embeddings, including word2vec and fastText. Three cross-language alignment strategies were explored, including cosine similarity, inverted softmax and cross-domain similarity local scaling (CSLS). We evaluated different combinations of these approaches using two tasks, bilingual dictionary induction, and cross-lingual sentiment analysis. The best results were achieved using monolingual fastText embeddings and the CSLS metric. We also demonstrated that by including a few automatically translated training documents, the performance of a cross-lingual text classifier for Welsh can increase by approximately 20 percent points

    Proceedings of the EACL Hackashop on News Media Content Analysis and Automated Report Generation

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    Concept and entity grounding using indirect supervision

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    Extracting and disambiguating entities and concepts is a crucial step toward understanding natural language text. In this thesis, we consider the problem of grounding concepts and entities mentioned in text to one or more knowledge bases (KBs). A well-studied scenario of this problem is the one in which documents are given in English and the goal is to identify concept and entity mentions, and find the corresponding entries the mentions refer to in Wikipedia. We extend this problem in two directions: First, we study identifying and grounding entities written in any language to the English Wikipedia. Second, we investigate using multiple KBs which do not contain rich textual and structural information Wikipedia does. These more involved settings pose a few additional challenges beyond those addressed in the standard English Wikification problem. Key among them is that no supervision is available to facilitate training machine learning models. The first extension, cross-lingual Wikification, introduces problems such as recognizing multilingual named entities mentioned in text, translating non-English names into English, and computing word similarity across languages. Since it is impossible to acquire manually annotated examples for all languages, building models for all languages in Wikipedia requires exploring indirect or incidental supervision signals which already exist in Wikipedia. For the second setting, we need to deal with the fact that most KBs do not contain the rich information Wikipedia has; consequently, the main supervision signal used to train Wikification rankers does not exist anymore. In this thesis, we show that supervision signals can be obtained by carefully examining the redundancy and relations between multiple KBs. By developing algorithms and models which harvest these incidental signals, we can achieve better performance on these tasks

    A Comprehensive Survey on Word Representation Models: From Classical to State-Of-The-Art Word Representation Language Models

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    Word representation has always been an important research area in the history of natural language processing (NLP). Understanding such complex text data is imperative, given that it is rich in information and can be used widely across various applications. In this survey, we explore different word representation models and its power of expression, from the classical to modern-day state-of-the-art word representation language models (LMS). We describe a variety of text representation methods, and model designs have blossomed in the context of NLP, including SOTA LMs. These models can transform large volumes of text into effective vector representations capturing the same semantic information. Further, such representations can be utilized by various machine learning (ML) algorithms for a variety of NLP related tasks. In the end, this survey briefly discusses the commonly used ML and DL based classifiers, evaluation metrics and the applications of these word embeddings in different NLP tasks

    NLP-Based Techniques for Cyber Threat Intelligence

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    In the digital era, threat actors employ sophisticated techniques for which, often, digital traces in the form of textual data are available. Cyber Threat Intelligence~(CTI) is related to all the solutions inherent to data collection, processing, and analysis useful to understand a threat actor's targets and attack behavior. Currently, CTI is assuming an always more crucial role in identifying and mitigating threats and enabling proactive defense strategies. In this context, NLP, an artificial intelligence branch, has emerged as a powerful tool for enhancing threat intelligence capabilities. This survey paper provides a comprehensive overview of NLP-based techniques applied in the context of threat intelligence. It begins by describing the foundational definitions and principles of CTI as a major tool for safeguarding digital assets. It then undertakes a thorough examination of NLP-based techniques for CTI data crawling from Web sources, CTI data analysis, Relation Extraction from cybersecurity data, CTI sharing and collaboration, and security threats of CTI. Finally, the challenges and limitations of NLP in threat intelligence are exhaustively examined, including data quality issues and ethical considerations. This survey draws a complete framework and serves as a valuable resource for security professionals and researchers seeking to understand the state-of-the-art NLP-based threat intelligence techniques and their potential impact on cybersecurity

    EVALITA Evaluation of NLP and Speech Tools for Italian - December 17th, 2020

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    Welcome to EVALITA 2020! EVALITA is the evaluation campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian. EVALITA is an initiative of the Italian Association for Computational Linguistics (AILC, http://www.ai-lc.it) and it is endorsed by the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA, http://www.aixia.it) and the Italian Association for Speech Sciences (AISV, http://www.aisv.it)

    Unsupervised German predicate entailment using the distributional inclusion hypothesis

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    Recognizing textual entailment is an important prerequisite to many tasks in NLP, e.g. question answering and semantic parsing. Knowing that for example buying a thing entails subsequently owning it is a relation that humans learn by interacting with the world, while machines need other ways to acquire this knowledge. Previous approaches at learning predicate entailment relations from text have focused only on English. In this thesis we present the adaptation of the unsupervised entailment graph building algorithm of Hosseini et al. to German, which can be seen as a study of challenges in language adaptation for this task in general. We create a variety of German tools necessary for this approach and give a detailed account of the challenges faced and the insights gained from them. First, we create a German relation extraction system and compare it against the English system presented by Hosseini et al. Finding that the typing of German entities constitutes a bottleneck, we create German fine-grained typing system for named and general entities. In doing so we examine the methods of annotation projection and zero-shot cross-lingual transfer, finding that for German fine-grained named entity typing zero-shot cross-lingual transfer performs best. We then move on to creating a German system that types general entities (e.g. ``ex-president'') as well as named entities (e.g. ``Obama''), by augmenting our training data with data automatically generated from a German WordNet. We find that this way up to 10 percent points improvement in general entity typing performance can be reached, while only slightly impacting named entity typing performance by 1 percent point. We use these components in the pipeline to construct German entailment graphs. We also present a method that uses German and English entailment graphs to generate training data for a supervised predicate entailment detection system, and show that this method outperforms current approaches at this task. This way we create a multilingual predicate entailment detection system, that outperforms both the monolingual German system and the zero-shot cross-lingual system on German test data, and also performs better than a monolingual English system on English test data
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