8 research outputs found

    A novel verification of trustiness and authentication of query answers in cloud

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    Propose a helpful question answer confirmation plot which applies to cloud. This plan can not just check the trustiness, culmination, legitimacy of the inquiry answers productively, yet in addition fulfill DO's prerequisite for namelessness and assurance non-revocation benefit among CSP and client. Initially, the proposed plan picks and signs the KN in the MHT dependent on the ring mark conspire, which can both confirm the right of inquiry result when keeping DO mysterious, and underpins various DOs. Also, we present a non-disavowal convention dependent on VO to unravel the repudiable practices of CSP and client

    Efficient verification of trustiness and authentication of query answers in cloud

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    This recommends a cooperative query answer authentication system, based on the ring signature, the Merkle hash tree (MHT) and the non-repudiable service protocol. Through the cooperation among the entities in cloud service system, the proposed scheme could not only verify the query answer but also protect the DOā€™s identity. First, it picks up the internal nodes of MHT to sign, as well as the root node. Thus, the veriļ¬cation computation complexity could be signiļ¬cantly reduced from O(log2N) to O(log2N0.5) in the best case. Then it improves an existing ring signature to sign the selected nodes. Furthermore, the proposed scheme employs the non-repudiation protocol during the transmission of query answer and veriļ¬cation object (VO) to protect trading behavior between the CSP and users. The security and performance analysis prove the security and feasibility of the proposed scheme

    Efficient Linkable Ring Signatures: New Framework and Post-Quantum Instantiations

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    In this paper, we introduce a new framework for constructing linkable ring signatures (LRS). Our framework is based purely on signatures of knowledge (SoK) which allows one to issue signatures on behalf of any NP-statement using the corresponding witness. Our framework enjoys the following advantages: (1) the security of the resulting LRS depends only on the security of the underlying SoK; (2) the resulting LRS naturally supports online/offline signing (resp. verification), where the output of the offline signing (resp. verification) can be re-used across signatures of the same ring. For a ring size nn, our framework requires an SoK of the NP statement with size logā”n\log n. To instantiate our framework, we adapt the well-known post-quantum secure non-interactive argument of knowledge (NIAoK), ethSTARK, into an SoK. This SoK is inherently post-quantum secure and has a signature size poly-logarithmic in the size of the NP statement. Thus, our resulting LRS has a signature size of O(polylog(logā”n))O(\text{polylog}(\log n)). By comparison, existing post-quantum ring signatures, regardless of linkability considerations, have signature sizes of O(logā”n)O(\log n) at best. Furthermore, leveraging online/offline verification, part of the verification of signatures on the same ring can be shared, resulting in a state-of-the-art amortized verification cost of O(polylog(logā”n))O(\text{polylog}(\log n)). Our LRS also performs favourably against existing schemes in practical scenarios. Concretely, our scheme has the smallest signature size among all post-quantum linkable ring signatures with non-slanderability for ring size larger than 3232. In our experiment, at 128128-bit security and ring size of 10241024, our LRS has a size of 2929KB, and an amortized verification cost of 0.30.3 ms, surpassing the state-of-the-art by a significant margin. Even without considering amortization, the verification time for a single signature is 128128 ms, comparable to those featuring linear signature size. A similar performance advantage can also be seen at signing. Furthermore, our LRS has extremely short public keys (3232 bytes), while public keys of existing constructions are in the order of kilobytes

    Constant Size Traceable Ring Signature Scheme without Random Oracles

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    Currently several traceable (or linkable) identity-based ring signature schemes have been proposed. However, most of them are constructed in the random oracle model. In this paper, we present a fully traceable ring signature (TRS) scheme without random oracles, which has the constant size signature and a security reduction to the computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) assumption. Also, we give a formal security model for traceable ring signature and prove that the proposed scheme has the properties of traceability and anonymity

    VeriVoting: A decentralized, verifiable and privacy-preserving scheme for weighted voting

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    Decentralization, verifiability, and privacy-preserving are three fundamental properties of modern e-voting. In this paper, we conduct extensive investigations into them and present a novel e-voting scheme, VeriVoting, which is the first to satisfy these properties. More specifically, decentralization is realized through blockchain technology and the distribution of decryption power among competing entities, such as candidates. Furthermore, verifiability is satisfied when the public verifies the ballots and decryption keys. And finally, bidirectional unlinkability is achieved to help preserve privacy by decoupling voter identity from ballot content. Following the ideas above, we first leverage linear homomorphic encryption schemes and non-interactive zero-knowledge argument systems to construct a voting primitive, SemiVoting, which meets decentralization, decryption-key verifiability, and ballot privacy. To further achieve ballot ciphertext verifiability and anonymity, we extend this primitive with blockchain and verifiable computation to finally arrive at VeriVoting. Through security analysis and per-formance evaluations, VeriVoting offers a new trade-off between security and efficiency that differs from all previous e-voting schemes and provides a radically novel practical ap-proach to large-scale elections

    Linkable ring signature with unconditional anonymity

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    In this paper, we construct a linkable ring signature scheme with unconditional anonymity. It has been regarded as an open problem in [22] since 2004 for the construction of an unconditional anonymous linkable ring signature scheme. We are the first to solve this open problem by giving a concrete instantiation, which is proven secure in the random oracle model. Our construction is even more efficient than other schemes that can only provide computational anonymity. Simultaneously, our scheme can act as an counterexample to show that [19, Theorem 1] is not always true, which stated that linkable ring signature scheme cannot provide strong anonymity. Yet we prove that our scheme can achieve strong anonymity (under one of the interpretations)

    Linkable Ring Signature with Unconditional Anonymity

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