161 research outputs found

    Argyres-Douglas Theories in Class S Without Irregularity

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    We make a preliminary investigation into twisted A2nA_{2n} theories of class S. Contrary to a common piece of folklore, we establish that theories of this type realise a variety of models of Argyres-Douglas type while utilising only regular punctures. We present an in-depth analysis of all twisted A2A_2 trinion theories, analyse their interrelations via partial Higgsing, and discuss some of their generalised S-dualities.Comment: 37 page

    Structure of Anomalies of 4d SCFTs from M5-branes, and Anomaly Inflow

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    We study the 't Hooft anomalies of four-dimensional superconformal field theories that arise from M5-branes wrapped on a punctured Riemann surface. In general there are two independent contributions to the anomalies. There is a bulk term obtained by integrating the anomaly polynomial of the world-volume theory on the M5-branes over the Riemann surface; this contribution knows about the punctures only through its dependence on the Euler characteristic of the surface. The second set of contributions comes from local data at the punctures; these terms are independent from the bulk data of the surface. Using anomaly inflow in M-theory, we describe the general structure of the anomalies for cases when the four-dimensional theories preserve N=2 supersymmetry. We additionally discuss the anomalies corresponding to (p,q) punctures in N=1 theories.Comment: version 2, 38 pages. We simplified the discussion of the inflow procedure with punctures and removed the details of the explicit computation of the puncture anomalies in order to focus on arguing the main new ideas. Added clarification on main resul

    The Euler anomaly and scale factors in Liouville/Toda CFTs

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    The role played by the Euler anomaly in the dictionary relating sphere partition functions of four dimensional theories of class S\mathcal{S} and two dimensional nonrational CFTs is clarified. On the two dimensional side, this involves a careful treatment of scale factors in Liouville/Toda correlators. Using ideas from tinkertoy constructions for Gaiotto duality, a framework is proposed for evaluating these scale factors. The representation theory of Weyl groups plays a critical role in this framework.Comment: 55 pages, 16 figures; v2:fixed referencing & typos ; v3: argument about scale factors in Liouville/Toda now phrased in terms of stripped correlators, leading to a sharper conjecture (earlier version had some inaccurate statements). Presentation improved, typos fixed, refs added. I thank the anonymous referee for comments. Version accepted for publication in JHE

    Global Form of Flavor Symmetry Groups in 4d N=2 Theories of Class S

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    We provide a systematic method to deduce the global form of flavor symmetry groups in 4d N=2 theories obtained by compactifying 6d N=(2,0) superconformal field theories (SCFTs) on a Riemann surface carrying regular punctures and possibly outer-automorphism twist lines. Apriori, this method only determines the group associated to the manifest part of the flavor symmetry algebra, but often this information is enough to determine the group associated to the full enhanced flavor symmetry algebra. Such cases include some interesting and well-studied 4d N=2 SCFTs like the Minahan-Nemeschansky theories. The symmetry groups obtained via this method match with the symmetry groups obtained using a Lagrangian description if such a description arises in some duality frame. Moreover, we check that the proposed symmetry groups are consistent with the superconformal indices available in the literature. As another application, our method finds distinct global forms of flavor symmetry group for pairs of interacting 4d N=2 SCFTs (recently pointed out in the literature) whose Coulomb branch dimensions, flavor algebras and levels coincide (along with other invariants), but nonetheless are distinct SCFTs.Comment: 44 pages; v2: Changed some previously confusing notation to improve clarit

    Holographic duals of Higgsed Dpb(BCD)\mathcal{D}_p^b(BCD)

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    We construct the AdS5_5 holographic duals to all non-Lagrangian 4d N=2\mathcal{N}=2 superconformal field theories of Argyres--Douglas type, namely, Dp b(G)\mathcal{D}_p^{\,b}(G), arising from class S\mathcal{S} of classical type involving irregular punctures of regular semi-simple type. The 11d supergravity duals contain an internal space of the form of a fibered product of a disc with a squashed and fibered four-sphere and includes orbifold projections which depend on the type of twist lines/outer-automorphism twists in the class S\mathcal{S} theory. We verify the holographic duality by determining and matching the anomalies (including the central charges aa and cc and the flavor central charges) at leading and subleading orders. The Higgs branch of the conformal field theory is described via Higgsing by a nilpotent orbit of a classical Lie algebra; we find the exact closed form formulae for the central charges for every Higgsing. We prove that in the supergravity duals, constraints on the type of partitions associated to allowable Higgsings are enforced by the consistency condition known as the t-rule.Comment: 49 pages + reference
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