351 research outputs found

    Affine hom-complexes

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    For two general polytopal complexes the set of face-wise affine maps between them is shown to be a polytopal complex in an algorithmic way. The resulting algorithm for the affine hom-complex is analyzed in detail. There is also a natural tensor product of polytopal complexes, which is the left adjoint functor for Hom. This extends the corresponding facts from single polytopes, systematic study of which was initiated in [6,12]. Explicit examples of computations of the resulting structures are included. In the special case of simplicial complexes, the affine hom-complex is a functorial subcomplex of Kozlov's combinatorial hom-complex [14], which generalizes Lovasz' well-known construction [15] for graphs.Comment: final version, to appear in Portugaliae Mathematic

    A categorification of Morelli's theorem

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    We prove a theorem relating torus-equivariant coherent sheaves on toric varieties to polyhedrally-constructible sheaves on a vector space. At the level of K-theory, the theorem recovers Morelli's description of the K-theory of a smooth projective toric variety. Specifically, let XX be a proper toric variety of dimension nn and let M_\bR = \mathrm{Lie}(T_\bR^\vee)\cong \bR^n be the Lie algebra of the compact dual (real) torus T_\bR^\vee\cong U(1)^n. Then there is a corresponding conical Lagrangian \Lambda \subset T^*M_\bR and an equivalence of triangulated dg categories \Perf_T(X) \cong \Sh_{cc}(M_\bR;\Lambda), where \Perf_T(X) is the triangulated dg category of perfect complexes of torus-equivariant coherent sheaves on XX and \Sh_{cc}(M_\bR;\Lambda) is the triangulated dg category of complex of sheaves on M_\bR with compactly supported, constructible cohomology whose singular support lies in Λ\Lambda. This equivalence is monoidal---it intertwines the tensor product of coherent sheaves on XX with the convolution product of constructible sheaves on M_\bR.Comment: 20 pages. This is a strengthened version of the first half of arXiv:0811.1228v3, with new results; the second half becomes arXiv:0811.1228v
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