4 research outputs found

    Affine hom-complexes

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    For two general polytopal complexes the set of face-wise affine maps between them is shown to be a polytopal complex in an algorithmic way. The resulting algorithm for the affine hom-complex is analyzed in detail. There is also a natural tensor product of polytopal complexes, which is the left adjoint functor for Hom. This extends the corresponding facts from single polytopes, systematic study of which was initiated in [6,12]. Explicit examples of computations of the resulting structures are included. In the special case of simplicial complexes, the affine hom-complex is a functorial subcomplex of Kozlov's combinatorial hom-complex [14], which generalizes Lovasz' well-known construction [15] for graphs.Comment: final version, to appear in Portugaliae Mathematic

    Uniqueness of Nonnegative Tensor Approximations

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    We show that for a nonnegative tensor, a best nonnegative rank-r approximation is almost always unique, its best rank-one approximation may always be chosen to be a best nonnegative rank-one approximation, and that the set of nonnegative tensors with non-unique best rank-one approximations form an algebraic hypersurface. We show that the last part holds true more generally for real tensors and thereby determine a polynomial equation so that a real or nonnegative tensor which does not satisfy this equation is guaranteed to have a unique best rank-one approximation. We also establish an analogue for real or nonnegative symmetric tensors. In addition, we prove a singular vector variant of the Perron--Frobenius Theorem for positive tensors and apply it to show that a best nonnegative rank-r approximation of a positive tensor can never be obtained by deflation. As an aside, we verify that the Euclidean distance (ED) discriminants of the Segre variety and the Veronese variety are hypersurfaces and give defining equations of these ED discriminants