2 research outputs found

    A lower bound on the 2-adic complexity of Ding-Helleseth generalized cyclotomic sequences of period pnp^n

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    Let pp be an odd prime, nn a positive integer and gg a primitive root of pnp^n. Suppose Di(pn)={g2s+i∣s=0,1,2,⋯ ,(pβˆ’1)pnβˆ’12}D_i^{(p^n)}=\{g^{2s+i}|s=0,1,2,\cdots,\frac{(p-1)p^{n-1}}{2}\}, i=0,1i=0,1, is the generalized cyclotomic classes with Zpnβˆ—=D0βˆͺD1Z_{p^n}^{\ast}=D_0\cup D_1. In this paper, we prove that Gauss periods based on D0D_0 and D1D_1 are both equal to 0 for nβ‰₯2n\geq2. As an application, we determine a lower bound on the 2-adic complexity of a class of Ding-Helleseth generalized cyclotomic sequences of period pnp^n. The result shows that the 2-adic complexity is at least pnβˆ’pnβˆ’1βˆ’1p^n-p^{n-1}-1, which is larger than N+12\frac{N+1}{2}, where N=pnN=p^n is the period of the sequence.Comment: 1

    Linear complexity of generalized cyclotomic sequences of order 4 over F_l

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    Generalized cyclotomic sequences of period pq have several desirable randomness properties if the two primes p and q are chosen properly. In particular,Ding deduced the exact formulas for the autocorrelation and the linear complexity of these sequences of order 2. In this paper, we consider the generalized sequences of order 4. Under certain conditions, the linear complexity of these sequences of order 4 is developed over a finite field F_l. Results show that in many cases they have high linear complexity.Comment: Since there is a crucial error in Theorem 1 in the first version, we replace it by the new on