11,926 research outputs found

    Polyharmonic approximation on the sphere

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    The purpose of this article is to provide new error estimates for a popular type of SBF approximation on the sphere: approximating by linear combinations of Green's functions of polyharmonic differential operators. We show that the LpL_p approximation order for this kind of approximation is σ\sigma for functions having LpL_p smoothness σ\sigma (for σ\sigma up to the order of the underlying differential operator, just as in univariate spline theory). This is an improvement over previous error estimates, which penalized the approximation order when measuring error in LpL_p, p>2 and held only in a restrictive setting when measuring error in LpL_p, p<2.Comment: 16 pages; revised version; to appear in Constr. Appro

    Approximation with Random Bases: Pro et Contra

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    In this work we discuss the problem of selecting suitable approximators from families of parameterized elementary functions that are known to be dense in a Hilbert space of functions. We consider and analyze published procedures, both randomized and deterministic, for selecting elements from these families that have been shown to ensure the rate of convergence in L2L_2 norm of order O(1/N)O(1/N), where NN is the number of elements. We show that both randomized and deterministic procedures are successful if additional information about the families of functions to be approximated is provided. In the absence of such additional information one may observe exponential growth of the number of terms needed to approximate the function and/or extreme sensitivity of the outcome of the approximation to parameters. Implications of our analysis for applications of neural networks in modeling and control are illustrated with examples.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0905.067

    Exact heat kernel on a hypersphere and its applications in kernel SVM

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    Many contemporary statistical learning methods assume a Euclidean feature space. This paper presents a method for defining similarity based on hyperspherical geometry and shows that it often improves the performance of support vector machine compared to other competing similarity measures. Specifically, the idea of using heat diffusion on a hypersphere to measure similarity has been previously proposed, demonstrating promising results based on a heuristic heat kernel obtained from the zeroth order parametrix expansion; however, how well this heuristic kernel agrees with the exact hyperspherical heat kernel remains unknown. This paper presents a higher order parametrix expansion of the heat kernel on a unit hypersphere and discusses several problems associated with this expansion method. We then compare the heuristic kernel with an exact form of the heat kernel expressed in terms of a uniformly and absolutely convergent series in high-dimensional angular momentum eigenmodes. Being a natural measure of similarity between sample points dwelling on a hypersphere, the exact kernel often shows superior performance in kernel SVM classifications applied to text mining, tumor somatic mutation imputation, and stock market analysis

    Neural Representations for Sensory-Motor Control I: Head-Centered 3-D Target Positions from Opponent Eye Commands

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    This article describes how corollary discharges from outflow eye movement commands can be transformed by two stages of opponent neural processing into a head-centered representation of 3-D target position. This representation implicitly defines a cyclopean coordinate system whose variables approximate the binocular vergence and spherical horizontal and vertical angles with respect to the observer's head. Various psychophysical data concerning binocular distance perception and reaching behavior are clarified by this representation. The representation provides a foundation for learning head-centered and body-centered invariant representations of both foveated and non-foveated 3-D target positions. It also enables a solution to be developed of the classical motor equivalence problem, whereby many different joint configurations of a redundant manipulator can all be used to realize a desired trajectory in 3-D space.Air Force Office of Scientific Research (URI 90-0175); Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (AFOSR-90-0083); National Science Foundation (IRI-87-16960, IRI-90-24877