15 research outputs found

    Linear algebra and bootstrap percolation

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    In \HH-bootstrap percolation, a set A \subset V(\HH) of initially 'infected' vertices spreads by infecting vertices which are the only uninfected vertex in an edge of the hypergraph \HH. A particular case of this is the HH-bootstrap process, in which \HH encodes copies of HH in a graph GG. We find the minimum size of a set AA that leads to complete infection when GG and HH are powers of complete graphs and \HH encodes induced copies of HH in GG. The proof uses linear algebra, a technique that is new in bootstrap percolation, although standard in the study of weakly saturated graphs, which are equivalent to (edge) HH-bootstrap percolation on a complete graph.Comment: 10 page

    Exact Bounds for Some Hypergraph Saturation Problems

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    Let W_n(p,q) denote the minimum number of edges in an n x n bipartite graph G on vertex sets X,Y that satisfies the following condition; one can add the edges between X and Y that do not belong to G one after the other so that whenever a new edge is added, a new copy of K_{p,q} is created. The problem of bounding W_n(p,q), and its natural hypergraph generalization, was introduced by Balogh, Bollob\'as, Morris and Riordan. Their main result, specialized to graphs, used algebraic methods to determine W_n(1,q). Our main results in this paper give exact bounds for W_n(p,q), its hypergraph analogue, as well as for a new variant of Bollob\'as's Two Families theorem. In particular, we completely determine W_n(p,q), showing that if 1 <= p <= q <= n then W_n(p,q) = n^2 - (n-p+1)^2 + (q-p)^2. Our proof applies a reduction to a multi-partite version of the Two Families theorem obtained by Alon. While the reduction is combinatorial, the main idea behind it is algebraic

    Line percolation

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    We study a new geometric bootstrap percolation model, line percolation, on the dd-dimensional integer grid [n]d[n]^d. In line percolation with infection parameter rr, infection spreads from a subset A⊂[n]dA\subset [n]^d of initially infected lattice points as follows: if there exists an axis-parallel line LL with rr or more infected lattice points on it, then every lattice point of [n]d[n]^d on LL gets infected, and we repeat this until the infection can no longer spread. The elements of the set AA are usually chosen independently, with some density pp, and the main question is to determine pc(n,r,d)p_c(n,r,d), the density at which percolation (infection of the entire grid) becomes likely. In this paper, we determine pc(n,r,2)p_c(n,r,2) up to a multiplicative factor of 1+o(1)1+o(1) and pc(n,r,3)p_c(n,r,3) up to a multiplicative constant as n→∞n\rightarrow \infty for every fixed r∈Nr\in \mathbb{N}. We also determine the size of the minimal percolating sets in all dimensions and for all values of the infection parameter.Comment: 27 pages, Random Structures and Algorithm