3 research outputs found

    Simple DFS on the Complement of a Graph and on Partially Complemented Digraphs

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    A complementation operation on a vertex of a digraph changes all outgoing arcs into non-arcs, and outgoing non-arcs into arcs. A partially complemented digraph G~\widetilde{G} is a digraph obtained from a sequence of vertex complement operations on GG. Dahlhaus et al. showed that, given an adjacency-list representation of G~\widetilde{G}, depth-first search (DFS) on GG can be performed in O(n+m~)O(n + \widetilde{m}) time, where nn is the number of vertices and m~\widetilde{m} is the number of edges in G~\widetilde{G}. To achieve this bound, their algorithm makes use of a somewhat complicated stack-like data structure to simulate the recursion stack, instead of implementing it directly as a recursive algorithm. We give a recursive O(n+m~)O(n+\widetilde{m}) algorithm that uses no complicated data-structures

    Single-edge monotonic sequences of graphs and linear-time algorithms for minimal completions and deletions

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    AbstractWe study graph properties that admit an increasing, or equivalently decreasing, sequence of graphs on the same vertex set such that for any two consecutive graphs in the sequence their difference is a single edge. This is useful for characterizing and computing minimal completions and deletions of arbitrary graphs into having these properties. We prove that threshold graphs and chain graphs admit such sequences. Based on this characterization and other structural properties, we present linear-time algorithms both for computing minimal completions and deletions into threshold, chain, and bipartite graphs, and for extracting a minimal completion or deletion from a given completion or deletion. Minimum completions and deletions into these classes are NP-hard to compute

    Detecting Holes and Antiholes in Graphs

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