2 research outputs found

    Forbidden structure characterization of circular-arc graphs and a certifying recognition algorithm

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    A circular-arc graph is the intersection graph of arcs of a circle. It is a well-studied graph model with numerous natural applications. A certifying algorithm is an algorithm that outputs a certificate, along with its answer (be it positive or negative), where the certificate can be used to easily justify the given answer. While the recognition of circular-arc graphs has been known to be polynomial since the 1980s, no polynomial-time certifying recognition algorithm is known to date, despite such algorithms being found for many subclasses of circular-arc graphs. This is largely due to the fact that a forbidden structure characterization of circular-arc graphs is not known, even though the problem has been intensely studied since the seminal work of Klee in the 1960s. In this contribution, we settle this problem. We present the first forbidden structure characterization of circular-arc graphs. Our obstruction has the form of mutually avoiding walks in the graph. It naturally extends a similar obstruction that characterizes interval graphs. As a consequence, we give the first polynomial-time certifying algorithm for the recognition of circular-arc graphs.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figure

    A Simple Polynomial Algorithm for the Longest Path Problem on Cocomparability Graphs

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    Given a graph GG, the longest path problem asks to compute a simple path of GG with the largest number of vertices. This problem is the most natural optimization version of the well known and well studied Hamiltonian path problem, and thus it is NP-hard on general graphs. However, in contrast to the Hamiltonian path problem, there are only few restricted graph families such as trees and some small graph classes where polynomial algorithms for the longest path problem have been found. Recently it has been shown that this problem can be solved in polynomial time on interval graphs by applying dynamic programming to a characterizing ordering of the vertices of the given graph \cite{longest-int-algo}, thus answering an open question. In the present paper, we provide the first polynomial algorithm for the longest path problem on a much greater class, namely on cocomparability graphs. Our algorithm uses a similar - but essentially simpler - dynamic programming approach, which is applied to a Lexicographic Depth First Search (LDFS) characterizing ordering of the vertices of a cocomparability graph. Therefore, our results provide evidence that this general dynamic programming approach can be used in a more general setting, leading to efficient algorithms for the longest path problem on greater classes of graphs. LDFS has recently been introduced in \cite{Corneil-LDFS08}. Since then, a similar phenomenon of extending an existing interval graph algorithm to cocomparability graphs by using an LDFS preprocessing step has also been observed for the minimum path cover problem \cite{Corneil-MPC}. Therefore, more interestingly, our results also provide evidence that cocomparability graphs present an interval graph structure when they are considered using an LDFS ordering of their vertices, which may lead to other new and more efficient combinatorial algorithms.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, 4 algorithm