891 research outputs found

    Deep Convolutional Ranking for Multilabel Image Annotation

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    Multilabel image annotation is one of the most important challenges in computer vision with many real-world applications. While existing work usually use conventional visual features for multilabel annotation, features based on Deep Neural Networks have shown potential to significantly boost performance. In this work, we propose to leverage the advantage of such features and analyze key components that lead to better performances. Specifically, we show that a significant performance gain could be obtained by combining convolutional architectures with approximate top-kk ranking objectives, as thye naturally fit the multilabel tagging problem. Our experiments on the NUS-WIDE dataset outperforms the conventional visual features by about 10%, obtaining the best reported performance in the literature

    Multilabel Consensus Classification

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    In the era of big data, a large amount of noisy and incomplete data can be collected from multiple sources for prediction tasks. Combining multiple models or data sources helps to counteract the effects of low data quality and the bias of any single model or data source, and thus can improve the robustness and the performance of predictive models. Out of privacy, storage and bandwidth considerations, in certain circumstances one has to combine the predictions from multiple models or data sources to obtain the final predictions without accessing the raw data. Consensus-based prediction combination algorithms are effective for such situations. However, current research on prediction combination focuses on the single label setting, where an instance can have one and only one label. Nonetheless, data nowadays are usually multilabeled, such that more than one label have to be predicted at the same time. Direct applications of existing prediction combination methods to multilabel settings can lead to degenerated performance. In this paper, we address the challenges of combining predictions from multiple multilabel classifiers and propose two novel algorithms, MLCM-r (MultiLabel Consensus Maximization for ranking) and MLCM-a (MLCM for microAUC). These algorithms can capture label correlations that are common in multilabel classifications, and optimize corresponding performance metrics. Experimental results on popular multilabel classification tasks verify the theoretical analysis and effectiveness of the proposed methods

    Deep Extreme Multi-label Learning

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    Extreme multi-label learning (XML) or classification has been a practical and important problem since the boom of big data. The main challenge lies in the exponential label space which involves 2L2^L possible label sets especially when the label dimension LL is huge, e.g., in millions for Wikipedia labels. This paper is motivated to better explore the label space by originally establishing an explicit label graph. In the meanwhile, deep learning has been widely studied and used in various classification problems including multi-label classification, however it has not been properly introduced to XML, where the label space can be as large as in millions. In this paper, we propose a practical deep embedding method for extreme multi-label classification, which harvests the ideas of non-linear embedding and graph priors-based label space modeling simultaneously. Extensive experiments on public datasets for XML show that our method performs competitive against state-of-the-art result
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