15 research outputs found

    On Finding a Subset of Healthy Individuals from a Large Population

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    In this paper, we derive mutual information based upper and lower bounds on the number of nonadaptive group tests required to identify a given number of "non defective" items from a large population containing a small number of "defective" items. We show that a reduction in the number of tests is achievable compared to the approach of first identifying all the defective items and then picking the required number of non-defective items from the complement set. In the asymptotic regime with the population size NN \rightarrow \infty, to identify LL non-defective items out of a population containing KK defective items, when the tests are reliable, our results show that CsK1o(1)(Φ(α0,β0)+o(1))\frac{C_s K}{1-o(1)} (\Phi(\alpha_0, \beta_0) + o(1)) measurements are sufficient, where CsC_s is a constant independent of N,KN, K and LL, and Φ(α0,β0)\Phi(\alpha_0, \beta_0) is a bounded function of α0limNLNK\alpha_0 \triangleq \lim_{N\rightarrow \infty} \frac{L}{N-K} and β0limNKNK\beta_0 \triangleq \lim_{N\rightarrow \infty} \frac{K} {N-K}. Further, in the nonadaptive group testing setup, we obtain rigorous upper and lower bounds on the number of tests under both dilution and additive noise models. Our results are derived using a general sparse signal model, by virtue of which, they are also applicable to other important sparse signal based applications such as compressive sensing.Comment: 32 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables, revised version of a paper submitted to IEEE Trans. Inf. Theor

    Compressive Demodulation of Mutually Interfering Signals

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    Multi-User Detection is fundamental not only to cellular wireless communication but also to Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) technology that supports supply chain management. The challenge of Multi-user Detection (MUD) is that of demodulating mutually interfering signals, and the two biggest impediments are the asynchronous character of random access and the lack of channel state information. Given that at any time instant the number of active users is typically small, the promise of Compressive Sensing (CS) is the demodulation of sparse superpositions of signature waveforms from very few measurements. This paper begins by unifying two front-end architectures proposed for MUD by showing that both lead to the same discrete signal model. Algorithms are presented for coherent and noncoherent detection that are based on iterative matching pursuit. Noncoherent detection is all that is needed in the application to RFID technology where it is only the identity of the active users that is required. The coherent detector is also able to recover the transmitted symbols. It is shown that compressive demodulation requires O(KlogN(τ+1))\mathcal{O}(K\log N(\tau+1)) samples to recover KK active users whereas standard MUD requires N(τ+1)N(\tau+1) samples to process NN total users with a maximal delay τ\tau. Performance guarantees are derived for both coherent and noncoherent detection that are identical in the way they scale with number of active users. The power profile of the active users is shown to be less important than the SNR of the weakest user. Gabor frames and Kerdock codes are proposed as signature waveforms and numerical examples demonstrate the superior performance of Kerdock codes - the same probability of error with less than half the samples.Comment: submitted for journal publicatio

    Support Recovery with Sparsely Sampled Free Random Matrices

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    Consider a Bernoulli-Gaussian complex nn-vector whose components are Vi=XiBiV_i = X_i B_i, with X_i \sim \Cc\Nc(0,\Pc_x) and binary BiB_i mutually independent and iid across ii. This random qq-sparse vector is multiplied by a square random matrix \Um, and a randomly chosen subset, of average size npn p, p[0,1]p \in [0,1], of the resulting vector components is then observed in additive Gaussian noise. We extend the scope of conventional noisy compressive sampling models where \Um is typically %A16 the identity or a matrix with iid components, to allow \Um satisfying a certain freeness condition. This class of matrices encompasses Haar matrices and other unitarily invariant matrices. We use the replica method and the decoupling principle of Guo and Verd\'u, as well as a number of information theoretic bounds, to study the input-output mutual information and the support recovery error rate in the limit of nn \to \infty. We also extend the scope of the large deviation approach of Rangan, Fletcher and Goyal and characterize the performance of a class of estimators encompassing thresholded linear MMSE and 1\ell_1 relaxation

    Limits on Support Recovery with Probabilistic Models: An Information-Theoretic Framework

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    The support recovery problem consists of determining a sparse subset of a set of variables that is relevant in generating a set of observations, and arises in a diverse range of settings such as compressive sensing, and subset selection in regression, and group testing. In this paper, we take a unified approach to support recovery problems, considering general probabilistic models relating a sparse data vector to an observation vector. We study the information-theoretic limits of both exact and partial support recovery, taking a novel approach motivated by thresholding techniques in channel coding. We provide general achievability and converse bounds characterizing the trade-off between the error probability and number of measurements, and we specialize these to the linear, 1-bit, and group testing models. In several cases, our bounds not only provide matching scaling laws in the necessary and sufficient number of measurements, but also sharp thresholds with matching constant factors. Our approach has several advantages over previous approaches: For the achievability part, we obtain sharp thresholds under broader scalings of the sparsity level and other parameters (e.g., signal-to-noise ratio) compared to several previous works, and for the converse part, we not only provide conditions under which the error probability fails to vanish, but also conditions under which it tends to one.Comment: Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; presented in part at ISIT 2015 and SODA 201

    Limits on Sparse Support Recovery via Linear Sketching with Random Expander Matrices

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    Linear sketching is a powerful tool for the problem of sparse signal recovery, having numerous applications such as compressive sensing, data stream computing, graph sketching, and routing. Motivated by applications where the \emph{positions} of the non-zero entries in a sparse vector are of primary interest, we consider the problem of \emph{support recovery} from a linear sketch taking the form \Yv = \Xv\beta + \Zv. We focus on a widely-used expander-based construction in the columns of the measurement matrix \Xv \in \RR^{n \times p} are random permutations of a sparse binary vector containing dnd \ll n ones and ndn-d zeros. We provide a sharp characterization of the number of measurements required for an information-theoretically optimal decoder, thus permitting a precise comparison to the i.i.d.~Gaussian construction. Our findings reveal both positive and negative results, showing that the performance nearly matches the Gaussian construction at moderate-to-high noise levels, while being worse by an arbitrarily large factor at low noise levels