4 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the 15th ISWC workshop on Ontology Matching (OM 2020)

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    15th International Workshop on Ontology Matching co-located with the 19th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2020)International audienc

    Lily Results for OAEI 2015

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    Abstract. This paper presents the results of Lily in the ontology alignment contest OAEI 2015. As a comprehensive ontology matching system, Lily is intended to participate in four tracks of the contest: benchmark, conference, anatomy, and instance matching. The specific techniques used by Lily will be introduced briefly. The strengths and weaknesses of Lily will also be discussed. Presentation of the system With the use of hybrid matching strategies, Lily, as an ontology matching system, is capable of solving some issues related to heterogeneous ontologies. It can process normal ontologies, weak informative ontologies [5], ontology mapping debugging State, purpose, general statement The core principle of matching strategies of Lily is utilizing the useful information correctly and effectively. Lily combines several effective and efficient matching techniques to facilitate alignments. There are five main matching strategies: (1) Generic Ontology Matching (GOM) is used for common matching tasks with normal size ontologies. (2) Large scale Ontology Matching (LOM) is used for the matching tasks with large size ontologies. (3) Instance Ontology Matching (IOM) is used for instance matching tasks. (4) Ontology mapping debugging is used to verify and improve the alignment results. (5) Ontology matching tuning is used to enhance overall performance. The matching process mainly contains three steps: (1) Pre-processing, when Lily parses ontologies and prepares the necessary information for subsequent steps. Meanwhile, the ontologies will be generally analyzed, whose characteristics, along with studied datasets, will be utilized to determine parameters and strategies. (2) Similarity computing, when Lily uses special methods to calculate the similarities between elements from different ontologies. (3) Post-processing, when alignments are extracted and refined by mapping debugging. In this year, some algorithms and matching strategies of Lily have been modified for higher efficiency, and adjusted for brand-new matching tasks like Author Recognition and Author Disambiguation in the Instance Matching track