6 research outputs found

    Conditional probability estimation

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    This paper studies in particular an aspect of the estimation of conditional probability distributions by maximum likelihood that seems to have been overlooked in the literature on Bayesian networks: The information conveyed by the conditioning event should be included in the likelihood function as well

    Empirical interpretation of imprecise probabilities

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    This paper investigates the possibility of a frequentist interpretation of imprecise probabilities, by generalizing the approach of Bernoulli’s Ars Conjectandi. That is, by studying, in the case of games of chance, under which assumptions imprecise probabilities can be satisfactorily estimated from data. In fact, estimability on the basis of finite amounts of data is a necessary condition for imprecise probabilities in order to have a clear empirical meaning. Unfortunately, imprecise probabilities can be estimated arbitrarily well from data only in very limited settings

    Likelihood-Based Robust Classification with Bayesian Networks

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