38 research outputs found

    Distributionally Robust Optimization for Sequential Decision Making

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    The distributionally robust Markov Decision Process (MDP) approach asks for a distributionally robust policy that achieves the maximal expected total reward under the most adversarial distribution of uncertain parameters. In this paper, we study distributionally robust MDPs where ambiguity sets for the uncertain parameters are of a format that can easily incorporate in its description the uncertainty's generalized moment as well as statistical distance information. In this way, we generalize existing works on distributionally robust MDP with generalized-moment-based and statistical-distance-based ambiguity sets to incorporate information from the former class such as moments and dispersions to the latter class that critically depends on empirical observations of the uncertain parameters. We show that, under this format of ambiguity sets, the resulting distributionally robust MDP remains tractable under mild technical conditions. To be more specific, a distributionally robust policy can be constructed by solving a sequence of one-stage convex optimization subproblems

    Outlier detection using distributionally robust optimization under the Wasserstein metric

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    We present a Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) approach to outlier detection in a linear regression setting, where the closeness of probability distributions is measured using the Wasserstein metric. Training samples contaminated with outliers skew the regression plane computed by least squares and thus impede outlier detection. Classical approaches, such as robust regression, remedy this problem by downweighting the contribution of atypical data points. In contrast, our Wasserstein DRO approach hedges against a family of distributions that are close to the empirical distribution. We show that the resulting formulation encompasses a class of models, which include the regularized Least Absolute Deviation (LAD) as a special case. We provide new insights into the regularization term and give guidance on the selection of the regularization coefficient from the standpoint of a confidence region. We establish two types of performance guarantees for the solution to our formulation under mild conditions. One is related to its out-of-sample behavior, and the other concerns the discrepancy between the estimated and true regression planes. Extensive numerical results demonstrate the superiority of our approach to both robust regression and the regularized LAD in terms of estimation accuracy and outlier detection rates