468 research outputs found

    Learnable PINs: Cross-Modal Embeddings for Person Identity

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    We propose and investigate an identity sensitive joint embedding of face and voice. Such an embedding enables cross-modal retrieval from voice to face and from face to voice. We make the following four contributions: first, we show that the embedding can be learnt from videos of talking faces, without requiring any identity labels, using a form of cross-modal self-supervision; second, we develop a curriculum learning schedule for hard negative mining targeted to this task, that is essential for learning to proceed successfully; third, we demonstrate and evaluate cross-modal retrieval for identities unseen and unheard during training over a number of scenarios and establish a benchmark for this novel task; finally, we show an application of using the joint embedding for automatically retrieving and labelling characters in TV dramas.Comment: To appear in ECCV 201

    Leveraging ASR Pretrained Conformers for Speaker Verification through Transfer Learning and Knowledge Distillation

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    This paper explores the use of ASR-pretrained Conformers for speaker verification, leveraging their strengths in modeling speech signals. We introduce three strategies: (1) Transfer learning to initialize the speaker embedding network, improving generalization and reducing overfitting. (2) Knowledge distillation to train a more flexible speaker verification model, incorporating frame-level ASR loss as an auxiliary task. (3) A lightweight speaker adaptor for efficient feature conversion without altering the original ASR Conformer, allowing parallel ASR and speaker verification. Experiments on VoxCeleb show significant improvements: transfer learning yields a 0.48% EER, knowledge distillation results in a 0.43% EER, and the speaker adaptor approach, with just an added 4.92M parameters to a 130.94M-parameter model, achieves a 0.57% EER. Overall, our methods effectively transfer ASR capabilities to speaker verification tasks

    Efficient Black-Box Speaker Verification Model Adaptation with Reprogramming and Backend Learning

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    The development of deep neural networks (DNN) has significantly enhanced the performance of speaker verification (SV) systems in recent years. However, a critical issue that persists when applying DNN-based SV systems in practical applications is domain mismatch. To mitigate the performance degradation caused by the mismatch, domain adaptation becomes necessary. This paper introduces an approach to adapt DNN-based SV models by manipulating the learnable model inputs, inspired by the concept of adversarial reprogramming. The pre-trained SV model remains fixed and functions solely in the forward process, resembling a black-box model. A lightweight network is utilized to estimate the gradients for the learnable parameters at the input, which bypasses the gradient backpropagation through the black-box model. The reprogrammed output is processed by a two-layer backend learning module as the final adapted speaker embedding. The number of parameters involved in the gradient calculation is small in our design. With few additional parameters, the proposed method achieves both memory and parameter efficiency. The experiments are conducted in language mismatch scenarios. Using much less computation cost, the proposed method obtains close or superior performance to the fully finetuned models in our experiments, which demonstrates its effectiveness

    Distilling Multi-Level X-vector Knowledge for Small-footprint Speaker Verification

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    Even though deep speaker models have demonstrated impressive accuracy in speaker verification tasks, this often comes at the expense of increased model size and computation time, presenting challenges for deployment in resource-constrained environments. Our research focuses on addressing this limitation through the development of small footprint deep speaker embedding extraction using knowledge distillation. While previous work in this domain has concentrated on speaker embedding extraction at the utterance level, our approach involves amalgamating embeddings from different levels of the x-vector model (teacher network) to train a compact student network. The results highlight the significance of frame-level information, with the student models exhibiting a remarkable size reduction of 85%-91% compared to their teacher counterparts, depending on the size of the teacher embeddings. Notably, by concatenating teacher embeddings, we achieve student networks that maintain comparable performance to the teacher while enjoying a substantial 75% reduction in model size. These findings and insights extend to other x-vector variants, underscoring the broad applicability of our approach.Comment: Submitted to Data & Knowledge Engineering at Dec. 2023. Copyright may be transferred without notic

    Efficient Adapter Tuning of Pre-trained Speech Models for Automatic Speaker Verification

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    With excellent generalization ability, self-supervised speech models have shown impressive performance on various downstream speech tasks in the pre-training and fine-tuning paradigm. However, as the growing size of pre-trained models, fine-tuning becomes practically unfeasible due to heavy computation and storage overhead, as well as the risk of overfitting. Adapters are lightweight modules inserted into pre-trained models to facilitate parameter-efficient adaptation. In this paper, we propose an effective adapter framework designed for adapting self-supervised speech models to the speaker verification task. With a parallel adapter design, our proposed framework inserts two types of adapters into the pre-trained model, allowing the adaptation of latent features within intermediate Transformer layers and output embeddings from all Transformer layers. We conduct comprehensive experiments to validate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed framework. Experimental results on the VoxCeleb1 dataset demonstrate that the proposed adapters surpass fine-tuning and other parameter-efficient transfer learning methods, achieving superior performance while updating only 5% of the parameters.Comment: Accepted to ICASSP 202

    Learnable MFCCs for Speaker Verification

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    We propose a learnable mel-frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC) frontend architecture for deep neural network (DNN) based automatic speaker verification. Our architecture retains the simplicity and interpretability of MFCC-based features while allowing the model to be adapted to data flexibly. In practice, we formulate data-driven versions of the four linear transforms of a standard MFCC extractor -- windowing, discrete Fourier transform (DFT), mel filterbank and discrete cosine transform (DCT). Results reported reach up to 6.7\% (VoxCeleb1) and 9.7\% (SITW) relative improvement in term of equal error rate (EER) from static MFCCs, without additional tuning effort.Comment: Accepted to ISCAS 202

    Speaker Representation Learning using Global Context Guided Channel and Time-Frequency Transformations

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    In this study, we propose the global context guided channel and time-frequency transformations to model the long-range, non-local time-frequency dependencies and channel variances in speaker representations. We use the global context information to enhance important channels and recalibrate salient time-frequency locations by computing the similarity between the global context and local features. The proposed modules, together with a popular ResNet based model, are evaluated on the VoxCeleb1 dataset, which is a large scale speaker verification corpus collected in the wild. This lightweight block can be easily incorporated into a CNN model with little additional computational costs and effectively improves the speaker verification performance compared to the baseline ResNet-LDE model and the Squeeze&Excitation block by a large margin. Detailed ablation studies are also performed to analyze various factors that may impact the performance of the proposed modules. We find that by employing the proposed L2-tf-GTFC transformation block, the Equal Error Rate decreases from 4.56% to 3.07%, a relative 32.68% reduction, and a relative 27.28% improvement in terms of the DCF score. The results indicate that our proposed global context guided transformation modules can efficiently improve the learned speaker representations by achieving time-frequency and channel-wise feature recalibration.Comment: Accepted to Interspeech 202

    Speaker verification using attentive multi-scale convolutional recurrent network

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    In this paper, we propose a speaker verification method by an Attentive Multi-scale Convolutional Recurrent Network (AMCRN). The proposed AMCRN can acquire both local spatial information and global sequential information from the input speech recordings. In the proposed method, logarithm Mel spectrum is extracted from each speech recording and then fed to the proposed AMCRN for learning speaker embedding. Afterwards, the learned speaker embedding is fed to the back-end classifier (such as cosine similarity metric) for scoring in the testing stage. The proposed method is compared with state-of-the-art methods for speaker verification. Experimental data are three public datasets that are selected from two large-scale speech corpora (VoxCeleb1 and VoxCeleb2). Experimental results show that our method exceeds baseline methods in terms of equal error rate and minimal detection cost function, and has advantages over most of baseline methods in terms of computational complexity and memory requirement. In addition, our method generalizes well across truncated speech segments with different durations, and the speaker embedding learned by the proposed AMCRN has stronger generalization ability across two back-end classifiers.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, 8 tables. Accepted for publication in Applied Soft Computin