54,644 research outputs found

    Innovative Asia: Advancing the Knowledge-Based Economy - Highlights of the Forthcoming ADB Study Report

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    [Excerpt] The development of knowledge-based economies (KBEs) is both an imperative and an opportunity for developing Asia. It is an imperative to sustain high rates of growth in the future and an opportunity whereby emerging economies can draw from beneficial trending developments that may allow them to move faster to advance in global value chains and in position in world markets. Over the last quarter of a century, driven mostly by cheap labor, developing countries in Asia have seen unprecedented growth rates and contributions to the global economy. Sustaining Asia’s growth trajectory, however, requires developing economies to seek different approaches to economic growth and progress, especially if they aspire to move from the middle-income to the high-income level. KBE is an important platform that can enable them to sustain growth and even accelerate it. It is time for Asia to consolidate and accelerate its pace of growth. Asia is positioned in a unique moment in history with many advantages that can serve as a boost: to name a couple, an expanding middle of the pyramid—Asia is likely to hold 50% of the global middle class and 40% of the global consumer market by 2020; and the growing importance of intra-regional trade within Asia, increasing from 54% in 2001 to 58% in 2011. Many developing economies are well placed to assimilate frontier technologies into their manufacturing environment

    Republic of Ghana Country Strategy Paper 2012-2016

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    This report aims to propose a Bank Group's strategy for supporting Ghana's development efforts over the period 2012 -- 2016. Several factors make a new Bank country strategy for Ghana particularly timely at this moment. These include the enormous challenges the country still faces in its development trajectory in spite of its impressive growth in the last decade, the recent adoption by the Government of the "Ghana Shared Growth and Development Agenda" (GSGDA), the promising developments the country is experiencing in its economic prospects, including becoming an oil producer, attracting interest from BRICS, and the recent completion by the Bank and other development partners of a number of key knowledge products. All these combined provides an opportunity for the Bank and Ghana to lay the foundations for a renewed partnership

    Competency Implications of Changing Human Resource Roles

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    [Excerpt] The present study examines which competencies will be necessary to perform key human resource roles over the next decade at Eastman Kodak Company. This project was a critical component of an ongoing quality process to improve organizational capability. The results establish a platform that will enable Kodak to better assess, plan, develop, and measure the capability of human resource staff

    The Entrepreneurial President: Proceedings from the Conference “The Entrepreneurial President”

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    [Excerpt] Each year, the Institute for Community College Development offers a leadership program on critical issues for community colleges. In August 2005, the issue was entrepreneurship. The Entrepreneurial College was a great success, but when it ended, the participants agreed that “if entrepreneurship education is going to succeed at community colleges, presidents need to hear this message.” Therefore, we held a similar program for CEOs, The Entrepreneurial President, in February 2006. What follows are highlights of the presentations and small group discussions from the CEO conference, with some additional materials from the August 2005 program. In this time of increased competition for scarce resources, entrepreneurial community colleges will have an edge. We hope you will use the ideas in this publication, generated by your colleagues, to support entrepreneurship on your campus. The possibilities are limitless, from certificate and degree programs, to business incubators, to “Entrepreneurship Halls of Fame.” The rewards include improved economic opportunities for the community, new donors for campus initiatives, and increased enrollment
