467 research outputs found

    Second-Order Stochastic Optimization for Machine Learning in Linear Time

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    First-order stochastic methods are the state-of-the-art in large-scale machine learning optimization owing to efficient per-iteration complexity. Second-order methods, while able to provide faster convergence, have been much less explored due to the high cost of computing the second-order information. In this paper we develop second-order stochastic methods for optimization problems in machine learning that match the per-iteration cost of gradient based methods, and in certain settings improve upon the overall running time over popular first-order methods. Furthermore, our algorithm has the desirable property of being implementable in time linear in the sparsity of the input data

    Convergence Analysis of Block Coordinate Algorithms with Determinantal Sampling

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    We analyze the convergence rate of the randomized Newton-like method introduced by Qu et. al. (2016) for smooth and convex objectives, which uses random coordinate blocks of a Hessian-over-approximation matrix \bM instead of the true Hessian. The convergence analysis of the algorithm is challenging because of its complex dependence on the structure of \bM. However, we show that when the coordinate blocks are sampled with probability proportional to their determinant, the convergence rate depends solely on the eigenvalue distribution of matrix \bM, and has an analytically tractable form. To do so, we derive a fundamental new expectation formula for determinantal point processes. We show that determinantal sampling allows us to reason about the optimal subset size of blocks in terms of the spectrum of \bM. Additionally, we provide a numerical evaluation of our analysis, demonstrating cases where determinantal sampling is superior or on par with uniform sampling

    SmOOD: Smoothness-based Out-of-Distribution Detection Approach for Surrogate Neural Networks in Aircraft Design

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    Aircraft industry is constantly striving for more efficient design optimization methods in terms of human efforts, computation time, and resource consumption. Hybrid surrogate optimization maintains high results quality while providing rapid design assessments when both the surrogate model and the switch mechanism for eventually transitioning to the HF model are calibrated properly. Feedforward neural networks (FNNs) can capture highly nonlinear input-output mappings, yielding efficient surrogates for aircraft performance factors. However, FNNs often fail to generalize over the out-of-distribution (OOD) samples, which hinders their adoption in critical aircraft design optimization. Through SmOOD, our smoothness-based out-of-distribution detection approach, we propose to codesign a model-dependent OOD indicator with the optimized FNN surrogate, to produce a trustworthy surrogate model with selective but credible predictions. Unlike conventional uncertainty-grounded methods, SmOOD exploits inherent smoothness properties of the HF simulations to effectively expose OODs through revealing their suspicious sensitivities, thereby avoiding over-confident uncertainty estimates on OOD samples. By using SmOOD, only high-risk OOD inputs are forwarded to the HF model for re-evaluation, leading to more accurate results at a low overhead cost. Three aircraft performance models are investigated. Results show that FNN-based surrogates outperform their Gaussian Process counterparts in terms of predictive performance. Moreover, SmOOD does cover averagely 85% of actual OODs on all the study cases. When SmOOD plus FNN surrogates are deployed in hybrid surrogate optimization settings, they result in a decrease error rate of 34.65% and a computational speed up rate of 58.36 times, respectively
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