2 research outputs found

    Letter-oriented reciprocal hashing scheme

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    A letter oriented minimal perfect rehashing scheme based upon reciprocal hashing

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    至今為止,處理掙態文字資料的赫序函數大多只能應用於存取少量的文字資料。本文 中,我們辱提出一種適於處理較多文字資料的最佳完美赫序函數之設計法;我們的靈 感來自Chang(1986b) 之倒數式的文字赫序法。應用我們的方法,不但能處理數百個以 上的文字資料,且透過簡單快速的赫序函數之運算,即可達到資料存取的目的。 參考文獻 1.Chang,C.C.,(1984a):The Styd of an Ordered Minimal Perfect Hashing Scheme, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, Vol. 27, No. 4, April 1984, pp. 384-387. 2.Chang,C.C.,(1984b):An Ordered Minimal Perfect Hashing Scheme Base upon E uler's Theorem, Information Sciences, Vol. 32, No. 3, June 1984, pp. 165- 172. 3.Chang,C.C.(1986a):A Scheme for Constructing Ordered Minimal Pefect Hashi ng Function, to appear in Information Sciences, 1986. 4.Chang,C.C.(1986b) :Letter-Oriented Reciprocal Hashing Scheme, to appear in the Information Sciences, 1986. 5.Chang,C.C.and Lee, R.C.,(1986):A Letter Oriented Minimal Perfect Hashing Scheme, to appear in the Computer Journal, 1986