28 research outputs found

    Self-Attention Networks for Connectionist Temporal Classification in Speech Recognition

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    The success of self-attention in NLP has led to recent applications in end-to-end encoder-decoder architectures for speech recognition. Separately, connectionist temporal classification (CTC) has matured as an alignment-free, non-autoregressive approach to sequence transduction, either by itself or in various multitask and decoding frameworks. We propose SAN-CTC, a deep, fully self-attentional network for CTC, and show it is tractable and competitive for end-to-end speech recognition. SAN-CTC trains quickly and outperforms existing CTC models and most encoder-decoder models, with character error rates (CERs) of 4.7% in 1 day on WSJ eval92 and 2.8% in 1 week on LibriSpeech test-clean, with a fixed architecture and one GPU. Similar improvements hold for WERs after LM decoding. We motivate the architecture for speech, evaluate position and downsampling approaches, and explore how label alphabets (character, phoneme, subword) affect attention heads and performance.Comment: Accepted to ICASSP 201

    Improved training of end-to-end attention models for speech recognition

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    Sequence-to-sequence attention-based models on subword units allow simple open-vocabulary end-to-end speech recognition. In this work, we show that such models can achieve competitive results on the Switchboard 300h and LibriSpeech 1000h tasks. In particular, we report the state-of-the-art word error rates (WER) of 3.54% on the dev-clean and 3.82% on the test-clean evaluation subsets of LibriSpeech. We introduce a new pretraining scheme by starting with a high time reduction factor and lowering it during training, which is crucial both for convergence and final performance. In some experiments, we also use an auxiliary CTC loss function to help the convergence. In addition, we train long short-term memory (LSTM) language models on subword units. By shallow fusion, we report up to 27% relative improvements in WER over the attention baseline without a language model.Comment: submitted to Interspeech 201