3 research outputs found

    Lens Rigidity in Scattering by Unions of Strictly Convex Bodies in R2\R^2

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    It was proved in \cite{NS1} that obstacles KK in Rd\R^d that are finite disjoint unions of strictly convex domains with C3C^3 boundaries are uniquely determined by the travelling times of billiard trajectories in their exteriors and also by their so called scattering length spectra. However the case d=2d = 2 is not properly covered in \cite{NS1}. In the present paper we give a separate different proof of the same result in the case d=2d = 2

    Travelling Times in Scattering by Obstacles in Curved Space

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    We consider travelling times of billiard trajectories in the exterior of an obstacle K on a two-dimensional Riemannian manifold M. We prove that given two obstacles with almost the same travelling times, the generalised geodesic flows on the non-trapping parts of their respective phase-spaces will have a time-preserving conjugacy. Moreover, if M has non-positive sectional curvature we prove that if K and L are two obstacles with strictly convex boundaries and almost the same travelling times then K and L are identical

    Smooth conjugacy classes of 3D Axiom A flows

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    We show a rigidity result for 3-dimensional contact Axiom A flows: given two 3D contact Axiom A flows Ξ¦1,Ξ¦2\Phi_1,\Phi_2 whose restrictions Ξ¦1βˆ£Ξ›1,Ξ¦2βˆ£Ξ›2\Phi_1|_{\Lambda_1},\Phi_2|_{\Lambda_2} to basic sets Ξ›1,Ξ›2\Lambda_1,\Lambda_2 are orbit equivalent, we prove that if periodic orbits in correspondence have the same length, then the conjugacy is as regular as the flows and respects the contact structure, extending a previous result due to Feldman-Ornstein [21]. Some of the ideas are reminiscent of the work of Otal [51]. As an application, we show that the billiard maps of two open dispersing billiards without eclipse and with the same marked length spectrum are smoothly conjugated.Comment: There was a mistake in Proposition 3.1; it affects the result about spectral rigidity of open dispersing billiards, which was removed from the paper. In the present version, we focus on dynamical results. The main dynamical result has been improved (upgraded regularity). We also discuss the preservation of symmetries by the conjugac