4,024 research outputs found

    Does generalization performance of lql^q regularization learning depend on qq? A negative example

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    lql^q-regularization has been demonstrated to be an attractive technique in machine learning and statistical modeling. It attempts to improve the generalization (prediction) capability of a machine (model) through appropriately shrinking its coefficients. The shape of a lql^q estimator differs in varying choices of the regularization order qq. In particular, l1l^1 leads to the LASSO estimate, while l2l^{2} corresponds to the smooth ridge regression. This makes the order qq a potential tuning parameter in applications. To facilitate the use of lql^{q}-regularization, we intend to seek for a modeling strategy where an elaborative selection on qq is avoidable. In this spirit, we place our investigation within a general framework of lql^{q}-regularized kernel learning under a sample dependent hypothesis space (SDHS). For a designated class of kernel functions, we show that all lql^{q} estimators for 0<q<0< q < \infty attain similar generalization error bounds. These estimated bounds are almost optimal in the sense that up to a logarithmic factor, the upper and lower bounds are asymptotically identical. This finding tentatively reveals that, in some modeling contexts, the choice of qq might not have a strong impact in terms of the generalization capability. From this perspective, qq can be arbitrarily specified, or specified merely by other no generalization criteria like smoothness, computational complexity, sparsity, etc..Comment: 35 pages, 3 figure

    Variable selection in semiparametric regression modeling

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    In this paper, we are concerned with how to select significant variables in semiparametric modeling. Variable selection for semiparametric regression models consists of two components: model selection for nonparametric components and selection of significant variables for the parametric portion. Thus, semiparametric variable selection is much more challenging than parametric variable selection (e.g., linear and generalized linear models) because traditional variable selection procedures including stepwise regression and the best subset selection now require separate model selection for the nonparametric components for each submodel. This leads to a very heavy computational burden. In this paper, we propose a class of variable selection procedures for semiparametric regression models using nonconcave penalized likelihood. We establish the rate of convergence of the resulting estimate. With proper choices of penalty functions and regularization parameters, we show the asymptotic normality of the resulting estimate and further demonstrate that the proposed procedures perform as well as an oracle procedure. A semiparametric generalized likelihood ratio test is proposed to select significant variables in the nonparametric component. We investigate the asymptotic behavior of the proposed test and demonstrate that its limiting null distribution follows a chi-square distribution which is independent of the nuisance parameters. Extensive Monte Carlo simulation studies are conducted to examine the finite sample performance of the proposed variable selection procedures.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053607000000604 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Model selection of polynomial kernel regression

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    Polynomial kernel regression is one of the standard and state-of-the-art learning strategies. However, as is well known, the choices of the degree of polynomial kernel and the regularization parameter are still open in the realm of model selection. The first aim of this paper is to develop a strategy to select these parameters. On one hand, based on the worst-case learning rate analysis, we show that the regularization term in polynomial kernel regression is not necessary. In other words, the regularization parameter can decrease arbitrarily fast when the degree of the polynomial kernel is suitable tuned. On the other hand,taking account of the implementation of the algorithm, the regularization term is required. Summarily, the effect of the regularization term in polynomial kernel regression is only to circumvent the " ill-condition" of the kernel matrix. Based on this, the second purpose of this paper is to propose a new model selection strategy, and then design an efficient learning algorithm. Both theoretical and experimental analysis show that the new strategy outperforms the previous one. Theoretically, we prove that the new learning strategy is almost optimal if the regression function is smooth. Experimentally, it is shown that the new strategy can significantly reduce the computational burden without loss of generalization capability.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figure

    Regularized Regression Problem in hyper-RKHS for Learning Kernels

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    This paper generalizes the two-stage kernel learning framework, illustrates its utility for kernel learning and out-of-sample extensions, and proves {asymptotic} convergence results for the introduced kernel learning model. Algorithmically, we extend target alignment by hyper-kernels in the two-stage kernel learning framework. The associated kernel learning task is formulated as a regression problem in a hyper-reproducing kernel Hilbert space (hyper-RKHS), i.e., learning on the space of kernels itself. To solve this problem, we present two regression models with bivariate forms in this space, including kernel ridge regression (KRR) and support vector regression (SVR) in the hyper-RKHS. By doing so, it provides significant model flexibility for kernel learning with outstanding performance in real-world applications. Specifically, our kernel learning framework is general, that is, the learned underlying kernel can be positive definite or indefinite, which adapts to various requirements in kernel learning. Theoretically, we study the convergence behavior of these learning algorithms in the hyper-RKHS and derive the learning rates. Different from the traditional approximation analysis in RKHS, our analyses need to consider the non-trivial independence of pairwise samples and the characterisation of hyper-RKHS. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work in learning theory to study the approximation performance of regularized regression problem in hyper-RKHS.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figure

    Domain Adaptation: Learning Bounds and Algorithms

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    This paper addresses the general problem of domain adaptation which arises in a variety of applications where the distribution of the labeled sample available somewhat differs from that of the test data. Building on previous work by Ben-David et al. (2007), we introduce a novel distance between distributions, discrepancy distance, that is tailored to adaptation problems with arbitrary loss functions. We give Rademacher complexity bounds for estimating the discrepancy distance from finite samples for different loss functions. Using this distance, we derive novel generalization bounds for domain adaptation for a wide family of loss functions. We also present a series of novel adaptation bounds for large classes of regularization-based algorithms, including support vector machines and kernel ridge regression based on the empirical discrepancy. This motivates our analysis of the problem of minimizing the empirical discrepancy for various loss functions for which we also give novel algorithms. We report the results of preliminary experiments that demonstrate the benefits of our discrepancy minimization algorithms for domain adaptation.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Non-convex regularization in remote sensing

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    In this paper, we study the effect of different regularizers and their implications in high dimensional image classification and sparse linear unmixing. Although kernelization or sparse methods are globally accepted solutions for processing data in high dimensions, we present here a study on the impact of the form of regularization used and its parametrization. We consider regularization via traditional squared (2) and sparsity-promoting (1) norms, as well as more unconventional nonconvex regularizers (p and Log Sum Penalty). We compare their properties and advantages on several classification and linear unmixing tasks and provide advices on the choice of the best regularizer for the problem at hand. Finally, we also provide a fully functional toolbox for the community.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure