11,212 research outputs found

    Self-Supervised Motion Magnification by Backpropagating Through Optical Flow

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    This paper presents a simple, self-supervised method for magnifying subtle motions in video: given an input video and a magnification factor, we manipulate the video such that its new optical flow is scaled by the desired amount. To train our model, we propose a loss function that estimates the optical flow of the generated video and penalizes how far if deviates from the given magnification factor. Thus, training involves differentiating through a pretrained optical flow network. Since our model is self-supervised, we can further improve its performance through test-time adaptation, by finetuning it on the input video. It can also be easily extended to magnify the motions of only user-selected objects. Our approach avoids the need for synthetic magnification datasets that have been used to train prior learning-based approaches. Instead, it leverages the existing capabilities of off-the-shelf motion estimators. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through evaluations of both visual quality and quantitative metrics on a range of real-world and synthetic videos, and we show our method works for both supervised and unsupervised optical flow methods

    Motion-Adjustable Neural Implicit Video Representation

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    Implicit neural representation (INR) has been successful in representing static images. Contemporary image-based INR, with the use of Fourier-based positional encoding, can be viewed as a mapping from sinusoidal patterns with different frequencies to image content. Inspired by that view, we hypothesize that it is possible to generate temporally varying content with a single image-based INR model by displacing its input sinusoidal patterns over time. By exploiting the relation between the phase information in sinusoidal functions and their displacements, we incorporate into the conventional image-based INR model a phase-varying positional encoding module, and couple it with a phase-shift generation module that determines the phase-shift values at each frame. The model is trained end-to-end on a video to jointly determine the phase-shift values at each time with the mapping from the phase-shifted sinusoidal functions to the corresponding frame, enabling an implicit video representation. Experiments on a wide range of videos suggest that such a model is capable of learning to interpret phase-varying positional embeddings into the corresponding time-varying content. More importantly, we found that the learned phase-shift vectors tend to capture meaningful temporal and motion information from the video. In particular, manipulating the phase-shift vectors induces meaningful changes in the temporal dynamics of the resulting video, enabling non-trivial temporal and motion editing effects such as temporal interpolation, motion magnification, motion smoothing, and video loop detection

    Video Acceleration Magnification

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    The ability to amplify or reduce subtle image changes over time is useful in contexts such as video editing, medical video analysis, product quality control and sports. In these contexts there is often large motion present which severely distorts current video amplification methods that magnify change linearly. In this work we propose a method to cope with large motions while still magnifying small changes. We make the following two observations: i) large motions are linear on the temporal scale of the small changes; ii) small changes deviate from this linearity. We ignore linear motion and propose to magnify acceleration. Our method is pure Eulerian and does not require any optical flow, temporal alignment or region annotations. We link temporal second-order derivative filtering to spatial acceleration magnification. We apply our method to moving objects where we show motion magnification and color magnification. We provide quantitative as well as qualitative evidence for our method while comparing to the state-of-the-art.Comment: Accepted paper at CVPR 2017. Project webpage: http://acceleration-magnification.github.io

    Micro-expression Recognition using Spatiotemporal Texture Map and Motion Magnification

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    Micro-expressions are short-lived, rapid facial expressions that are exhibited by individuals when they are in high stakes situations. Studying these micro-expressions is important as these cannot be modified by an individual and hence offer us a peek into what the individual is actually feeling and thinking as opposed to what he/she is trying to portray. The spotting and recognition of micro-expressions has applications in the fields of criminal investigation, psychotherapy, education etc. However due to micro-expressions’ short-lived and rapid nature; spotting, recognizing and classifying them is a major challenge. In this paper, we design a hybrid approach for spotting and recognizing micro-expressions by utilizing motion magnification using Eulerian Video Magnification and Spatiotemporal Texture Map (STTM). The validation of this approach was done on the spontaneous micro-expression dataset, CASMEII in comparison with the baseline. This approach achieved an accuracy of 80% viz. an increase by 5% as compared to the existing baseline by utilizing 10-fold cross validation using Support Vector Machines (SVM) with a linear kernel
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