4 research outputs found

    Learning und Academic Analytics in Lernmanagementsystemen (LMS): Herausforderungen und Handlungsfelder im nationalen Hochschulkontext

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    Der Einsatz digitaler Medien hat in der nationalen Hochschullehre Tradition. Lernmanagementsysteme (LMS), E-Learning, Blended Learning, etc. sind Schlagwörter im Hochschulalltag. Allerdings stellt sich die Frage, was LMS und Blended Learning im Zeitalter digitaler Vernetzung und der herangewachsenen Generation der “Digital Natives” leisten (können bzw. sollen)? Die Verbreitung neuer Technologien im Zusammenhang mit neuen Lehr- und Lernkonzepten wie OER, MOOCS, etc. macht zudem die Entwicklung von Analytics-Instrumenten erforderlich. Das ist auch im nationalen Diskurs von großem Interesse und legt neue Handlungsfelder für Hochschulen offen. Doch es stellt sich die Frage, warum Learning Analytics (LA) bzw. Academic Analytics (AA) bisher nur in einem geringfügigen Maße an deutschen Hochschulen erfolgreich zum Einsatz kommen und warum eine Nutzung insbesondere in LMS, wie zum Beispiel OPAL, nicht ohne Weiteres realisierbar erscheint. Hierzu sollen Einflussfaktoren, die die Implementierung von LA- und AA-Instrumenten hemmen, identifiziert und diskutiert werden. Aufbauend darauf werden erste Handlungsfelder vorgestellt, deren Beachtung eine verstärkte Einbettung von LA- und AA Instrumenten in LMS möglich machen soll


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    In our interaction with digital systems, we produce a great deal of data every day, which can be used for economic purposes as well as for political purposes. While democratic systems in Europe are looking for ways to deal with these personal traces as securely, anonymously and effectively as possible, data can also be used for political and social control, of which China is an example. This anthology contains contributions on current questions about opportunities and dangers of the political use of data. The contributions cover data-driven campaigning, the "naturalisation" of personal data production, the democratisation of digital control, data activism and digital citizenship, as well as digital literacy and the responsible use of educational data

    Usability in digitalen Kooperationsnetzwerken. Nutzertests und Logfile-Analyse als kombinierte Methode

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    Usability is a key factor when developing new applications. The interaction between the users and the application should be efficient, effective and engaging. Furthermore, a good usability includes a high error tolerance and an good learnability. Different methods allow the measurement of usability throughout the development (process). All methods have in common that the different employed steps like planning, conducting and evaluating are rather time-consuming. When end-users are included as subjects, usability tests are employed. Due to the high time-effort, usually ten or less tests are conducted. The thesis tries to solve this point by trying to combine usability tests and logfile analysis. The empirical work is two-folded. First, usability tests within a learning management system (LMS) are logged in the background. These logfiles are assigned to severe usability problems. Second, the paths of the severe usability problems are combined with logfile data from a real-world LMS that runs the same application. The real-world logfiles contain a period of about 300 days with 133 active users. Prior to the combination, both data sets converted into a similar format. Being a new procedure, the definite similarity value had to be specified by descriptive statistics and visual inspections. The final combination makes it possible to determine the severity of usability problems on the basis of real-world usage data. The proposed method offers a more precise overview of the occurrence of the found usability problems, independent of the test situation. This thesis provides additional value to the fields of (Web) Data Mining, Usability and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). It also offers additional knowledge to the field of software development, quantitative and quantitative research as well as computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) and learning management systems (LMS)