3 research outputs found

    Directional Multivariate Ranking

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    User-provided multi-aspect evaluations manifest users' detailed feedback on the recommended items and enable fine-grained understanding of their preferences. Extensive studies have shown that modeling such data greatly improves the effectiveness and explainability of the recommendations. However, as ranking is essential in recommendation, there is no principled solution yet for collectively generating multiple item rankings over different aspects. In this work, we propose a directional multi-aspect ranking criterion to enable a holistic ranking of items with respect to multiple aspects. Specifically, we view multi-aspect evaluation as an integral effort from a user that forms a vector of his/her preferences over aspects. Our key insight is that the direction of the difference vector between two multi-aspect preference vectors reveals the pairwise order of comparison. Hence, it is necessary for a multi-aspect ranking criterion to preserve the observed directions from such pairwise comparisons. We further derive a complete solution for the multi-aspect ranking problem based on a probabilistic multivariate tensor factorization model. Comprehensive experimental analysis on a large TripAdvisor multi-aspect rating dataset and a Yelp review text dataset confirms the effectiveness of our solution.Comment: Accepted as a full research paper in KDD'2

    Learning to Rank with Multi-Aspect Relevance for Vertical Search

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    Many vertical search tasks such as local search focus on specific domains. The meaning of relevance in these verticals is domain-specific and usually consists of multiple well-defined aspects (e.g., text matching and distance in local search). Thus the overall relevance between a query and a document is a tradeoff between multiple relevance aspects. Such a tradeoff can vary for different types of queries or in different contexts. In this paper, we explore these vertical-specific aspects in the learning to rank setting. We propose a novel formulation in which the relevance between a query and a document is assessed with respect to each aspect, forming the multi-aspect relevance. In order to compute a ranking function, we study two types of learning-based approaches to estimate the tradeoff between these relevance aspects: a label aggregation method and a model aggregation method. Since there are only a few aspects, a minimal amount of training data is needed to learn the tradeoff. We conduct both offline and online test experiments on a local search engine and the experimental results show that our proposed multi-aspect relevance formulation is very promising. The two types of aggregation methods perform more effectively than a set of baseline methods including a conventional learning to rank method