40 research outputs found

    Pre-trained Word Embeddings for Goal-conditional Transfer Learning in Reinforcement Learning

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    Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms typically start tabula rasa, without any prior knowledge of the environment, and without any prior skills. This however often leads to low sample efficiency, requiring a large amount of interaction with the environment. This is especially true in a lifelong learning setting, in which the agent needs to continually extend its capabilities. In this paper, we examine how a pre-trained task-independent language model can make a goal-conditional RL agent more sample efficient. We do this by facilitating transfer learning between different related tasks. We experimentally demonstrate our approach on a set of object navigation tasks.Comment: Paper accepted to the ICML 2020 Language in Reinforcement Learning (LaReL) Worksho

    Deep Sets for Generalization in RL

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    This paper investigates the idea of encoding object-centered representations in the design of the reward function and policy architectures of a language-guided reinforcement learning agent. This is done using a combination of object-wise permutation invariant networks inspired from Deep Sets and gated-attention mechanisms. In a 2D procedurally-generated world where agents targeting goals in natural language navigate and interact with objects, we show that these architectures demonstrate strong generalization capacities to out-of-distribution goals. We study the generalization to varying numbers of objects at test time and further extend the object-centered architectures to goals involving relational reasoning.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, published as a workshop Paper at ICLR: Beyond tabula rasa in RL (BeTR-RL). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2002.0925

    RRHF: Rank Responses to Align Language Models with Human Feedback without tears

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    Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) facilitates the alignment of large language models with human preferences, significantly enhancing the quality of interactions between humans and these models. InstructGPT implements RLHF through several stages, including Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT), reward model training, and Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO). PPO, however, is sensitive to hyperparameters and requires a minimum of four models in its standard implementation, which makes it hard to train. In contrast, we propose a novel learning paradigm called RRHF, which scores responses generated by different sampling policies and learns to align them with human preferences through ranking loss. RRHF can efficiently align language model output probabilities with human preferences as robust as fine-tuning and it only needs 1 to 2 models during tuning. In addition, RRHF can be considered an extension of SFT and reward models while being simpler than PPO in terms of coding, model counts, and hyperparameters. The entire alignment process can be accomplished within a single RRHF training session. We evaluate RRHF using LLaMA and Alpaca on Helpful and Harmless data, demonstrating performance comparable to PPO.Comment: Codes available at https://github.com/GanjinZero/RRH

    Specifying and Interpreting Reinforcement Learning Policies through Simulatable Machine Learning

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    Human-AI collaborative policy synthesis is a procedure in which (1) a human initializes an autonomous agent's behavior, (2) Reinforcement Learning improves the human specified behavior, and (3) the agent can explain the final optimized policy to the user. This paradigm leverages human expertise and facilitates a greater insight into the learned behaviors of an agent. Existing approaches to enabling collaborative policy specification involve black box methods which are unintelligible and are not catered towards non-expert end-users. In this paper, we develop a novel collaborative framework to enable humans to initialize and interpret an autonomous agent's behavior, rooted in principles of human-centered design. Through our framework, we enable humans to specify an initial behavior model in the form of unstructured, natural language, which we then convert to lexical decision trees. Next, we are able to leverage these human-specified policies, to warm-start reinforcement learning and further allow the agent to optimize the policies through reinforcement learning. Finally, to close the loop on human-specification, we produce explanations of the final learned policy, in multiple modalities, to provide the user a final depiction about the learned policy of the agent. We validate our approach by showing that our model can produce >80% accuracy, and that human-initialized policies are able to successfully warm-start RL. We then conduct a novel human-subjects study quantifying the relative subjective and objective benefits of varying XAI modalities(e.g., Tree, Language, and Program) for explaining learned policies to end-users, in terms of usability and interpretability and identify the circumstances that influence these measures. Our findings emphasize the need for personalized explainable systems that can facilitate user-centric policy explanations for a variety of end-users