4 research outputs found

    Automatic detection of parallel sentences from comparable biomedical texts

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    International audienceParallel sentences provide semantically similar information which can vary on a given dimension, such as language or register. Parallel sentences with register variation (like expert and non-expert documents) can be exploited for the automatic text simplification. The aim of automatic text simplification is to better access and understand a given information. In the biomedical field, simplification may permit patients to understand medical and health texts. Yet, there is currently no such available resources. We propose to exploit comparable corpora which are distinguished by their registers (specialized and simplified versions) to detect and align parallel sentences. These corpora are in French and are related to the biomedical area. Our purpose is to state whether a given pair of specialized and simplified sentences is to be aligned or not. Manually created reference data show 0.76 inter-annotator agreement. We treat this task as binary classification (alignment/non-alignment). We perform experiments on balanced and imbalanced data. The results on balanced data reach up to 0.96 F-Measure. On imbalanced data, the results are lower but remain competitive when using classification models train on balanced data. Besides, among the three datasets exploited (se-mantic equivalence and inclusions), the detection of equivalence pairs is more efficient

    Parallel sentence retrieval from comparable corpora for biomedical text simplification

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    International audienceParallel sentences provide semantically similar information which can vary on a given dimension , such as language or register. Parallel sentences with register variation (like expert and non-expert documents) can be exploited for the automatic text simplification. The aim of automatic text simplification is to better access and understand a given information. In the biomedical field, simplification may permit patients to understand medical and health texts. Yet, there is currently no such available resources. We propose to exploit comparable corpora which are distinguished by their registers (specialized and simplified versions) to detect and align parallel sentences. These corpora are in French and are related to the biomedical area. Manually created reference data show 0.76 inter-annotator agreement. Our purpose is to state whether a given pair of specialized and simplified sentences is parallel and can be aligned or not. We treat this task as binary classification (alignment/non-alignment). We perform experiments with a controlled ratio of imbalance and on the highly unbalanced real data. Our results show that the method we present here can be used to automatically generate a corpus of parallel sentences from our comparable corpus

    Détection automatique de phrases parallèles dans un corpus biomédical comparable technique/simplifié

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    International audienceAutomatic detection of parallel sentences in comparable biomedical corpora Parallel sentences provide identical or semantically similar information which gives important clues on language. When sentences vary by their register (like expert vs non-expert), they can be exploited for the automatic text simplification. The aim of text simplification is to improve the understanding of texts. For instance, in the biomedical field, simplification may permit patients to understand better medical texts in relation to their health. Yet, there is currently very few resources for the simplification of French texts. We propose to exploit comparable corpora, which are distinguished by their technicality, to detect parallel sentences and to align them. The reference data are created manually and show 0.76 inter-annotator agreement. We perform experiments on balanced and imbalanced data. The results on balanced data reach up to 0.94 F-measure. On imbalanced data, the results are lower (up to 0.92 F-measure) but remain competitive when using classification models trained on balanced data.Les phrases parallèles contiennent des informations identiques ou très proches sémantiquement et offrent des indications importantes sur le fonctionnement de la langue. Lorsque les phrases sont différenciées par leur registre (comme expert vs. non-expert), elles peuvent être exploitées pour la simplification automatique de textes. Le but de la simplification automatique est d'améliorer la compréhension de textes. Par exemple, dans le domaine biomédical, la simplification peut permettre aux patients de mieux comprendre les textes relatifs à leur santé. Il existe cependant très peu de ressources pour la simplification en français. Nous proposons donc d'exploiter des corpus com-parables, différenciés par leur technicité, pour y détecter des phrases parallèles et les aligner. Les données de référence sont créées manuellement et montrent un accord inter-annotateur de 0,76. Nous expérimentons sur des données équilibrées et déséquilibrées. La F-mesure sur les données équilibrées atteint jusqu'à 0,94. Sur les données déséquilibrées, les résultats sont plus faibles (jusqu'à 0,92 de F-mesure) mais restent compétitifs lorsque les modèles sont entraînés sur les données équilibrées


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