8,322 research outputs found

    Advances in Human Action Recognition: A Survey

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    Human action recognition has been an important topic in computer vision due to its many applications such as video surveillance, human machine interaction and video retrieval. One core problem behind these applications is automatically recognizing low-level actions and high-level activities of interest. The former is usually the basis for the latter. This survey gives an overview of the most recent advances in human action recognition during the past several years, following a well-formed taxonomy proposed by a previous survey. From this state-of-the-art survey, researchers can view a panorama of progress in this area for future research

    ADS-ME: Anomaly Detection System for Micro-expression Spotting

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    Micro-expressions (MEs) are infrequent and uncontrollable facial events that can highlight emotional deception and appear in a high-stakes environment. This paper propose an algorithm for spatiotemporal MEs spotting. Since MEs are unusual events, we treat them as abnormal patterns that diverge from expected Normal Facial Behaviour (NFBs) patterns. NFBs correspond to facial muscle activations, eye blink/gaze events and mouth opening/closing movements that are all facial deformation but not MEs. We propose a probabilistic model to estimate the probability density function that models the spatiotemporal distributions of NFBs patterns. To rank the outputs, we compute the negative log-likelihood and we developed an adaptive thresholding technique to identify MEs from NFBs. While working only with NFBs data, the main challenge is to capture intrinsic spatiotemoral features, hence we design a recurrent convolutional autoencoder for feature representation. Finally, we show that our system is superior to previous works for MEs spotting.Comment: 35 pages, 9 figures, 3 table

    A Survey on Content-Aware Video Analysis for Sports

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    Sports data analysis is becoming increasingly large-scale, diversified, and shared, but difficulty persists in rapidly accessing the most crucial information. Previous surveys have focused on the methodologies of sports video analysis from the spatiotemporal viewpoint instead of a content-based viewpoint, and few of these studies have considered semantics. This study develops a deeper interpretation of content-aware sports video analysis by examining the insight offered by research into the structure of content under different scenarios. On the basis of this insight, we provide an overview of the themes particularly relevant to the research on content-aware systems for broadcast sports. Specifically, we focus on the video content analysis techniques applied in sportscasts over the past decade from the perspectives of fundamentals and general review, a content hierarchical model, and trends and challenges. Content-aware analysis methods are discussed with respect to object-, event-, and context-oriented groups. In each group, the gap between sensation and content excitement must be bridged using proper strategies. In this regard, a content-aware approach is required to determine user demands. Finally, the paper summarizes the future trends and challenges for sports video analysis. We believe that our findings can advance the field of research on content-aware video analysis for broadcast sports.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT

    Moments in Time Dataset: one million videos for event understanding

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    We present the Moments in Time Dataset, a large-scale human-annotated collection of one million short videos corresponding to dynamic events unfolding within three seconds. Modeling the spatial-audio-temporal dynamics even for actions occurring in 3 second videos poses many challenges: meaningful events do not include only people, but also objects, animals, and natural phenomena; visual and auditory events can be symmetrical in time ("opening" is "closing" in reverse), and either transient or sustained. We describe the annotation process of our dataset (each video is tagged with one action or activity label among 339 different classes), analyze its scale and diversity in comparison to other large-scale video datasets for action recognition, and report results of several baseline models addressing separately, and jointly, three modalities: spatial, temporal and auditory. The Moments in Time dataset, designed to have a large coverage and diversity of events in both visual and auditory modalities, can serve as a new challenge to develop models that scale to the level of complexity and abstract reasoning that a human processes on a daily basis

    Learning Representative Temporal Features for Action Recognition

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    In this paper, a novel video classification methodology is presented that aims to recognize different categories of third-person videos efficiently. The idea here is to break the 3-dimensional video input to 2D in spatial plus 1D in temporal dimension. Firstly, optical flow images are described by well pre-trained networks to process the 2D spatial frames. Then, motion in the video is kept tracked by aligning the optical flow elements over time which can be seen as multi-channel time series. The main focus of the proposed method is to classify the resulted time series efficiently. Towards this, the idea is to let the machine learn temporal features along time dimension. This is done by training a multi-channel one dimensional Convolutional Neural Network (1D-CNN). Due to the fact that CNNs represent the input data hierarchically, high level features are obtained by further processing of features in the lower level layers. As a result, long-term temporal features in time series are extracted from short-term ones. These long-term temporal features are the ones which play the key role in recognizing the ongoing action. Besides, the superiority of the proposed method over most of the deep-learning based approaches is that we try to learn representative temporal features across only one dimension. This, reduces the number of learning parameters significantly. Hence our method would be trainable on even smaller datasets. It is illustrated that the proposed method could reach state-of-the-art results on two public datasets UCF11 and jHMDB and competitive results on HMDB51.Comment: 14 page

    Human Action Recognition and Prediction: A Survey

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    Derived from rapid advances in computer vision and machine learning, video analysis tasks have been moving from inferring the present state to predicting the future state. Vision-based action recognition and prediction from videos are such tasks, where action recognition is to infer human actions (present state) based upon complete action executions, and action prediction to predict human actions (future state) based upon incomplete action executions. These two tasks have become particularly prevalent topics recently because of their explosively emerging real-world applications, such as visual surveillance, autonomous driving vehicle, entertainment, and video retrieval, etc. Many attempts have been devoted in the last a few decades in order to build a robust and effective framework for action recognition and prediction. In this paper, we survey the complete state-of-the-art techniques in the action recognition and prediction. Existing models, popular algorithms, technical difficulties, popular action databases, evaluation protocols, and promising future directions are also provided with systematic discussions

    Video In Sentences Out

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    We present a system that produces sentential descriptions of video: who did what to whom, and where and how they did it. Action class is rendered as a verb, participant objects as noun phrases, properties of those objects as adjectival modifiers in those noun phrases, spatial relations between those participants as prepositional phrases, and characteristics of the event as prepositional-phrase adjuncts and adverbial modifiers. Extracting the information needed to render these linguistic entities requires an approach to event recognition that recovers object tracks, the trackto-role assignments, and changing body posture.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI2012

    Uncertainty aware audiovisual activity recognition using deep Bayesian variational inference

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) provide state-of-the-art results for a multitude of applications, but the approaches using DNNs for multimodal audiovisual applications do not consider predictive uncertainty associated with individual modalities. Bayesian deep learning methods provide principled confidence and quantify predictive uncertainty. Our contribution in this work is to propose an uncertainty aware multimodal Bayesian fusion framework for activity recognition. We demonstrate a novel approach that combines deterministic and variational layers to scale Bayesian DNNs to deeper architectures. Our experiments using in- and out-of-distribution samples selected from a subset of Moments-in-Time (MiT) dataset show a more reliable confidence measure as compared to the non-Bayesian baseline and the Monte Carlo dropout (MC dropout) approximate Bayesian inference. We also demonstrate the uncertainty estimates obtained from the proposed framework can identify out-of-distribution data on the UCF101 and MiT datasets. In the multimodal setting, the proposed framework improved precision-recall AUC by 10.2% on the subset of MiT dataset as compared to non-Bayesian baseline.Comment: Accepted at ICCV 2019 for Oral presentatio

    Thoughts on a Recursive Classifier Graph: a Multiclass Network for Deep Object Recognition

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    We propose a general multi-class visual recognition model, termed the Classifier Graph, which aims to generalize and integrate ideas from many of today's successful hierarchical recognition approaches. Our graph-based model has the advantage of enabling rich interactions between classes from different levels of interpretation and abstraction. The proposed multi-class system is efficiently learned using step by step updates. The structure consists of simple logistic linear layers with inputs from features that are automatically selected from a large pool. Each newly learned classifier becomes a potential new feature. Thus, our feature pool can consist both of initial manually designed features as well as learned classifiers from previous steps (graph nodes), each copied many times at different scales and locations. In this manner we can learn and grow both a deep, complex graph of classifiers and a rich pool of features at different levels of abstraction and interpretation. Our proposed graph of classifiers becomes a multi-class system with a recursive structure, suitable for deep detection and recognition of several classes simultaneously

    Generalized Zero-Shot Learning for Action Recognition with Web-Scale Video Data

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    Action recognition in surveillance video makes our life safer by detecting the criminal events or predicting violent emergencies. However, efficient action recognition is not free of difficulty. First, there are so many action classes in daily life that we cannot pre-define all possible action classes beforehand. Moreover, it is very hard to collect real-word videos for certain particular actions such as steal and street fight due to legal restrictions and privacy protection. These challenges make existing data-driven recognition methods insufficient to attain desired performance. Zero-shot learning is potential to be applied to solve these issues since it can perform classification without positive example. Nevertheless, current zero-shot learning algorithms have been studied under the unreasonable setting where seen classes are absent during the testing phase. Motivated by this, we study the task of action recognition in surveillance video under a more realistic \emph{generalized zero-shot setting}, where testing data contains both seen and unseen classes. To our best knowledge, this is the first work to study video action recognition under the generalized zero-shot setting. We firstly perform extensive empirical studies on several existing zero-shot leaning approaches under this new setting on a web-scale video data. Our experimental results demonstrate that, under the generalize setting, typical zero-shot learning methods are no longer effective for the dataset we applied. Then, we propose a method for action recognition by deploying generalized zero-shot learning, which transfers the knowledge of web video to detect the anomalous actions in surveillance videos. To verify the effectiveness of our proposed method, we further construct a new surveillance video dataset consisting of nine action classes related to the public safety situation