1,062 research outputs found

    Fine-grained Discriminative Localization via Saliency-guided Faster R-CNN

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    Discriminative localization is essential for fine-grained image classification task, which devotes to recognizing hundreds of subcategories in the same basic-level category. Reflecting on discriminative regions of objects, key differences among different subcategories are subtle and local. Existing methods generally adopt a two-stage learning framework: The first stage is to localize the discriminative regions of objects, and the second is to encode the discriminative features for training classifiers. However, these methods generally have two limitations: (1) Separation of the two-stage learning is time-consuming. (2) Dependence on object and parts annotations for discriminative localization learning leads to heavily labor-consuming labeling. It is highly challenging to address these two important limitations simultaneously. Existing methods only focus on one of them. Therefore, this paper proposes the discriminative localization approach via saliency-guided Faster R-CNN to address the above two limitations at the same time, and our main novelties and advantages are: (1) End-to-end network based on Faster R-CNN is designed to simultaneously localize discriminative regions and encode discriminative features, which accelerates classification speed. (2) Saliency-guided localization learning is proposed to localize the discriminative region automatically, avoiding labor-consuming labeling. Both are jointly employed to simultaneously accelerate classification speed and eliminate dependence on object and parts annotations. Comparing with the state-of-the-art methods on the widely-used CUB-200-2011 dataset, our approach achieves both the best classification accuracy and efficiency.Comment: 9 pages, to appear in ACM MM 201

    Centroid Distance Keypoint Detector for Colored Point Clouds

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    Keypoint detection serves as the basis for many computer vision and robotics applications. Despite the fact that colored point clouds can be readily obtained, most existing keypoint detectors extract only geometry-salient keypoints, which can impede the overall performance of systems that intend to (or have the potential to) leverage color information. To promote advances in such systems, we propose an efficient multi-modal keypoint detector that can extract both geometry-salient and color-salient keypoints in colored point clouds. The proposed CEntroid Distance (CED) keypoint detector comprises an intuitive and effective saliency measure, the centroid distance, that can be used in both 3D space and color space, and a multi-modal non-maximum suppression algorithm that can select keypoints with high saliency in two or more modalities. The proposed saliency measure leverages directly the distribution of points in a local neighborhood and does not require normal estimation or eigenvalue decomposition. We evaluate the proposed method in terms of repeatability and computational efficiency (i.e. running time) against state-of-the-art keypoint detectors on both synthetic and real-world datasets. Results demonstrate that our proposed CED keypoint detector requires minimal computational time while attaining high repeatability. To showcase one of the potential applications of the proposed method, we further investigate the task of colored point cloud registration. Results suggest that our proposed CED detector outperforms state-of-the-art handcrafted and learning-based keypoint detectors in the evaluated scenes. The C++ implementation of the proposed method is made publicly available at https://github.com/UCR-Robotics/CED_Detector.Comment: Accepted to IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2023; copyright will be transferred to IEEE upon publicatio
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