18 research outputs found

    Fourier Neural Operator Networks: A Fast and General Solver for the Photoacoustic Wave Equation

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    Simulation tools for photoacoustic wave propagation have played a key role in advancing photoacoustic imaging by providing quantitative and qualitative insights into parameters affecting image quality. Classical methods for numerically solving the photoacoustic wave equation relies on a fine discretization of space and can become computationally expensive for large computational grids. In this work, we apply Fourier Neural Operator (FNO) networks as a fast data-driven deep learning method for solving the 2D photoacoustic wave equation in a homogeneous medium. Comparisons between the FNO network and pseudo-spectral time domain approach demonstrated that the FNO network generated comparable simulations with small errors and was several orders of magnitude faster. Moreover, the FNO network was generalizable and can generate simulations not observed in the training data

    Semi-Implicit Neural Solver for Time-dependent Partial Differential Equations

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    Fast and accurate solutions of time-dependent partial differential equations (PDEs) are of pivotal interest to many research fields, including physics, engineering, and biology. Generally, implicit/semi-implicit schemes are preferred over explicit ones to improve stability and correctness. However, existing semi-implicit methods are usually iterative and employ a general-purpose solver, which may be sub-optimal for a specific class of PDEs. In this paper, we propose a neural solver to learn an optimal iterative scheme in a data-driven fashion for any class of PDEs. Specifically, we modify a single iteration of a semi-implicit solver using a deep neural network. We provide theoretical guarantees for the correctness and convergence of neural solvers analogous to conventional iterative solvers. In addition to the commonly used Dirichlet boundary condition, we adopt a diffuse domain approach to incorporate a diverse type of boundary conditions, e.g., Neumann. We show that the proposed neural solver can go beyond linear PDEs and applies to a class of non-linear PDEs, where the non-linear component is non-stiff. We demonstrate the efficacy of our method on 2D and 3D scenarios. To this end, we show how our model generalizes to parameter settings, which are different from training; and achieves faster convergence than semi-implicit schemes

    PDETime: Rethinking Long-Term Multivariate Time Series Forecasting from the perspective of partial differential equations

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    Recent advancements in deep learning have led to the development of various models for long-term multivariate time-series forecasting (LMTF), many of which have shown promising results. Generally, the focus has been on historical-value-based models, which rely on past observations to predict future series. Notably, a new trend has emerged with time-index-based models, offering a more nuanced understanding of the continuous dynamics underlying time series. Unlike these two types of models that aggregate the information of spatial domains or temporal domains, in this paper, we consider multivariate time series as spatiotemporal data regularly sampled from a continuous dynamical system, which can be represented by partial differential equations (PDEs), with the spatial domain being fixed. Building on this perspective, we present PDETime, a novel LMTF model inspired by the principles of Neural PDE solvers, following the encoding-integration-decoding operations. Our extensive experimentation across seven diverse real-world LMTF datasets reveals that PDETime not only adapts effectively to the intrinsic spatiotemporal nature of the data but also sets new benchmarks, achieving state-of-the-art result

    Deep Generative Models that Solve PDEs: Distributed Computing for Training Large Data-Free Models

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    Recent progress in scientific machine learning (SciML) has opened up the possibility of training novel neural network architectures that solve complex partial differential equations (PDEs). Several (nearly data free) approaches have been recently reported that successfully solve PDEs, with examples including deep feed forward networks, generative networks, and deep encoder-decoder networks. However, practical adoption of these approaches is limited by the difficulty in training these models, especially to make predictions at large output resolutions (≥1024×1024\geq 1024 \times 1024). Here we report on a software framework for data parallel distributed deep learning that resolves the twin challenges of training these large SciML models - training in reasonable time as well as distributing the storage requirements. Our framework provides several out of the box functionality including (a) loss integrity independent of number of processes, (b) synchronized batch normalization, and (c) distributed higher-order optimization methods. We show excellent scalability of this framework on both cloud as well as HPC clusters, and report on the interplay between bandwidth, network topology and bare metal vs cloud. We deploy this approach to train generative models of sizes hitherto not possible, showing that neural PDE solvers can be viably trained for practical applications. We also demonstrate that distributed higher-order optimization methods are 2−3×2-3\times faster than stochastic gradient-based methods and provide minimal convergence drift with higher batch-size.Comment: 10 pages, 18 figure

    A Deep Learning algorithm to accelerate Algebraic Multigrid methods in Finite Element solvers of 3D elliptic PDEs

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    Algebraic multigrid (AMG) methods are among the most efficient solvers for linear systems of equations and they are widely used for the solution of problems stemming from the discretization of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). The most severe limitation of AMG methods is the dependence on parameters that require to be fine-tuned. In particular, the strong threshold parameter is the most relevant since it stands at the basis of the construction of successively coarser grids needed by the AMG methods. We introduce a novel Deep Learning algorithm that minimizes the computational cost of the AMG method when used as a finite element solver. We show that our algorithm requires minimal changes to any existing code. The proposed Artificial Neural Network (ANN) tunes the value of the strong threshold parameter by interpreting the sparse matrix of the linear system as a black-and-white image and exploiting a pooling operator to transform it into a small multi-channel image. We experimentally prove that the pooling successfully reduces the computational cost of processing a large sparse matrix and preserves the features needed for the regression task at hand. We train the proposed algorithm on a large dataset containing problems with a highly heterogeneous diffusion coefficient defined in different three-dimensional geometries and discretized with unstructured grids and linear elasticity problems with a highly heterogeneous Young's modulus. When tested on problems with coefficients or geometries not present in the training dataset, our approach reduces the computational time by up to 30%