60 research outputs found

    Learning to Learn without Forgetting by Maximizing Transfer and Minimizing Interference

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    Lack of performance when it comes to continual learning over non-stationary distributions of data remains a major challenge in scaling neural network learning to more human realistic settings. In this work we propose a new conceptualization of the continual learning problem in terms of a temporally symmetric trade-off between transfer and interference that can be optimized by enforcing gradient alignment across examples. We then propose a new algorithm, Meta-Experience Replay (MER), that directly exploits this view by combining experience replay with optimization based meta-learning. This method learns parameters that make interference based on future gradients less likely and transfer based on future gradients more likely. We conduct experiments across continual lifelong supervised learning benchmarks and non-stationary reinforcement learning environments demonstrating that our approach consistently outperforms recently proposed baselines for continual learning. Our experiments show that the gap between the performance of MER and baseline algorithms grows both as the environment gets more non-stationary and as the fraction of the total experiences stored gets smaller.Comment: ICLR 201

    Is Fast Adaptation All You Need?

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    Gradient-based meta-learning has proven to be highly effective at learning model initializations, representations, and update rules that allow fast adaptation from a few samples. The core idea behind these approaches is to use fast adaptation and generalization -- two second-order metrics -- as training signals on a meta-training dataset. However, little attention has been given to other possible second-order metrics. In this paper, we investigate a different training signal -- robustness to catastrophic interference -- and demonstrate that representations learned by directing minimizing interference are more conducive to incremental learning than those learned by just maximizing fast adaptation.Comment: Meta Learning Workshop, NeurIPS 2019, 2 figures, MRCL, MAM

    Batch-level Experience Replay with Review for Continual Learning

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    Continual learning is a branch of deep learning that seeks to strike a balance between learning stability and plasticity. The CVPR 2020 CLVision Continual Learning for Computer Vision challenge is dedicated to evaluating and advancing the current state-of-the-art continual learning methods using the CORe50 dataset with three different continual learning scenarios. This paper presents our approach, called Batch-level Experience Replay with Review, to this challenge. Our team achieved the 1'st place in all three scenarios out of 79 participated teams. The codebase of our implementation is publicly available at https://github.com/RaptorMai/CVPR20_CLVision_challeng

    Meta-Learning Representations for Continual Learning

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    A continual learning agent should be able to build on top of existing knowledge to learn on new data quickly while minimizing forgetting. Current intelligent systems based on neural network function approximators arguably do the opposite---they are highly prone to forgetting and rarely trained to facilitate future learning. One reason for this poor behavior is that they learn from a representation that is not explicitly trained for these two goals. In this paper, we propose OML, an objective that directly minimizes catastrophic interference by learning representations that accelerate future learning and are robust to forgetting under online updates in continual learning. We show that it is possible to learn naturally sparse representations that are more effective for online updating. Moreover, our algorithm is complementary to existing continual learning strategies, such as MER and GEM. Finally, we demonstrate that a basic online updating strategy on representations learned by OML is competitive with rehearsal based methods for continual learning. We release an implementation of our method at https://github.com/khurramjaved96/mrcl .Comment: Accepted at NeurIPS19, 15 pages, 10 figures, open-source, representation learning, continual learning, online learnin

    Routing Networks with Co-training for Continual Learning

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    The core challenge with continual learning is catastrophic forgetting, the phenomenon that when neural networks are trained on a sequence of tasks they rapidly forget previously learned tasks. It has been observed that catastrophic forgetting is most severe when tasks are dissimilar to each other. We propose the use of sparse routing networks for continual learning. For each input, these network architectures activate a different path through a network of experts. Routing networks have been shown to learn to route similar tasks to overlapping sets of experts and dissimilar tasks to disjoint sets of experts. In the continual learning context this behaviour is desirable as it minimizes interference between dissimilar tasks while allowing positive transfer between related tasks. In practice, we find it is necessary to develop a new training method for routing networks, which we call co-training which avoids poorly initialized experts when new tasks are presented. When combined with a small episodic memory replay buffer, sparse routing networks with co-training outperform densely connected networks on the MNIST-Permutations and MNIST-Rotations benchmarks.Comment: Presented at ICML Workshop on Continual Learning 202

    Meta-learnt priors slow down catastrophic forgetting in neural networks

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    Current training regimes for deep learning usually involve exposure to a single task / dataset at a time. Here we start from the observation that in this context the trained model is not given any knowledge of anything outside its (single-task) training distribution, and has thus no way to learn parameters (i.e., feature detectors or policies) that could be helpful to solve other tasks, and to limit future interference with the acquired knowledge, and thus catastrophic forgetting. Here we show that catastrophic forgetting can be mitigated in a meta-learning context, by exposing a neural network to multiple tasks in a sequential manner during training. Finally, we present SeqFOMAML, a meta-learning algorithm that implements these principles, and we evaluate it on sequential learning problems composed by Omniglot and MiniImageNet classification tasks

    On Tiny Episodic Memories in Continual Learning

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    In continual learning (CL), an agent learns from a stream of tasks leveraging prior experience to transfer knowledge to future tasks. It is an ideal framework to decrease the amount of supervision in the existing learning algorithms. But for a successful knowledge transfer, the learner needs to remember how to perform previous tasks. One way to endow the learner the ability to perform tasks seen in the past is to store a small memory, dubbed episodic memory, that stores few examples from previous tasks and then to replay these examples when training for future tasks. In this work, we empirically analyze the effectiveness of a very small episodic memory in a CL setup where each training example is only seen once. Surprisingly, across four rather different supervised learning benchmarks adapted to CL, a very simple baseline, that jointly trains on both examples from the current task as well as examples stored in the episodic memory, significantly outperforms specifically designed CL approaches with and without episodic memory. Interestingly, we find that repetitive training on even tiny memories of past tasks does not harm generalization, on the contrary, it improves it, with gains between 7\% and 17\% when the memory is populated with a single example per class.Comment: Making the main point of the paper more clea

    Overcoming Catastrophic Interference in Online Reinforcement Learning with Dynamic Self-Organizing Maps

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    Using neural networks in the reinforcement learning (RL) framework has achieved notable successes. Yet, neural networks tend to forget what they learned in the past, especially when they learn online and fully incrementally, a setting in which the weights are updated after each sample is received and the sample is then discarded. Under this setting, an update can lead to overly global generalization by changing too many weights. The global generalization interferes with what was previously learned and deteriorates performance, a phenomenon known as catastrophic interference. Many previous works use mechanisms such as experience replay (ER) buffers to mitigate interference by performing minibatch updates, ensuring the data distribution is approximately independent-and-identically-distributed (i.i.d.). But using ER would become infeasible in terms of memory as problem complexity increases. Thus, it is crucial to look for more memory-efficient alternatives. Interference can be averted if we replace global updates with more local ones, so only weights responsible for the observed data sample are updated. In this work, we propose the use of dynamic self-organizing map (DSOM) with neural networks to induce such locality in the updates without ER buffers. Our method learns a DSOM to produce a mask to reweigh each hidden unit's output, modulating its degree of use. It prevents interference by replacing global updates with local ones, conditioned on the agent's state. We validate our method on standard RL benchmarks including Mountain Car and Lunar Lander, where existing methods often fail to learn without ER. Empirically, we show that our online and fully incremental method is on par with and in some cases, better than state-of-the-art in terms of final performance and learning speed. We provide visualizations and quantitative measures to show that our method indeed mitigates interference.Comment: 9 Pages, 7 Figures, NeurIPS Workshop on Biological and Artificial Reinforcement Learning, 201

    Learning to Continually Learn Rapidly from Few and Noisy Data

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    Neural networks suffer from catastrophic forgetting and are unable to sequentially learn new tasks without guaranteed stationarity in data distribution. Continual learning could be achieved via replay -- by concurrently training externally stored old data while learning a new task. However, replay becomes less effective when each past task is allocated with less memory. To overcome this difficulty, we supplemented replay mechanics with meta-learning for rapid knowledge acquisition. By employing a meta-learner, which \textit{learns a learning rate per parameter per past task}, we found that base learners produced strong results when less memory was available. Additionally, our approach inherited several meta-learning advantages for continual learning: it demonstrated strong robustness to continually learn under the presence of noises and yielded base learners to higher accuracy in less updates.Comment: Accepted to the Meta-Learning and Co-Hosted Competition of AAAI 2021. See https://aaai.org/Conferences/AAAI-21/ws21workshops/ and see https://sites.google.com/chalearn.org/metalearning?pli=1#h.kt23ep5wleh

    BI-MAML: Balanced Incremental Approach for Meta Learning

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    We present a novel Balanced Incremental Model Agnostic Meta Learning system (BI-MAML) for learning multiple tasks. Our method implements a meta-update rule to incrementally adapt its model to new tasks without forgetting old tasks. Such a capability is not possible in current state-of-the-art MAML approaches. These methods effectively adapt to new tasks, however, suffer from 'catastrophic forgetting' phenomena, in which new tasks that are streamed into the model degrade the performance of the model on previously learned tasks. Our system performs the meta-updates with only a few-shots and can successfully accomplish them. Our key idea for achieving this is the design of balanced learning strategy for the baseline model. The strategy sets the baseline model to perform equally well on various tasks and incorporates time efficiency. The balanced learning strategy enables BI-MAML to both outperform other state-of-the-art models in terms of classification accuracy for existing tasks and also accomplish efficient adaption to similar new tasks with less required shots. We evaluate BI-MAML by conducting comparisons on two common benchmark datasets with multiple number of image classification tasks. BI-MAML performance demonstrates advantages in both accuracy and efficiency.Comment: Please see associated video at: https://youtu.be/4qlb-iG5SF
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