3 research outputs found

    Composite Shape Modeling via Latent Space Factorization

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    We present a novel neural network architecture, termed Decomposer-Composer, for semantic structure-aware 3D shape modeling. Our method utilizes an auto-encoder-based pipeline, and produces a novel factorized shape embedding space, where the semantic structure of the shape collection translates into a data-dependent sub-space factorization, and where shape composition and decomposition become simple linear operations on the embedding coordinates. We further propose to model shape assembly using an explicit learned part deformation module, which utilizes a 3D spatial transformer network to perform an in-network volumetric grid deformation, and which allows us to train the whole system end-to-end. The resulting network allows us to perform part-level shape manipulation, unattainable by existing approaches. Our extensive ablation study, comparison to baseline methods and qualitative analysis demonstrate the improved performance of the proposed method

    Roof-GAN: Learning to Generate Roof Geometry and Relations for Residential Houses

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    This paper presents Roof-GAN, a novel generative adversarial network that generates structured geometry of residential roof structures as a set of roof primitives and their relationships. Given the number of primitives, the generator produces a structured roof model as a graph, which consists of 1) primitive geometry as raster images at each node, encoding facet segmentation and angles; 2) inter-primitive colinear/coplanar relationships at each edge; and 3) primitive geometry in a vector format at each node, generated by a novel differentiable vectorizer while enforcing the relationships. The discriminator is trained to assess the primitive raster geometry, the primitive relationships, and the primitive vector geometry in a fully end-to-end architecture. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in generating diverse and realistic roof models over the competing methods with a novel metric proposed in this paper for the task of structured geometry generation. We will share our code and data

    Learning Mesh Representations via Binary Space Partitioning Tree Networks

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    Polygonal meshes are ubiquitous, but have only played a relatively minor role in the deep learning revolution. State-of-the-art neural generative models for 3D shapes learn implicit functions and generate meshes via expensive iso-surfacing. We overcome these challenges by employing a classical spatial data structure from computer graphics, Binary Space Partitioning (BSP), to facilitate 3D learning. The core operation of BSP involves recursive subdivision of 3D space to obtain convex sets. By exploiting this property, we devise BSP-Net, a network that learns to represent a 3D shape via convex decomposition without supervision. The network is trained to reconstruct a shape using a set of convexes obtained from a BSP-tree built over a set of planes, where the planes and convexes are both defined by learned network weights. BSP-Net directly outputs polygonal meshes from the inferred convexes. The generated meshes are watertight, compact (i.e., low-poly), and well suited to represent sharp geometry. We show that the reconstruction quality by BSP-Net is competitive with those from state-of-the-art methods while using much fewer primitives. We also explore variations to BSP-Net including using a more generic decoder for reconstruction, more general primitives than planes, as well as training a generative model with variational auto-encoders. Code is available at https://github.com/czq142857/BSP-NET-original.Comment: Accepted to TPAMI. This is the extended journal version of BSP-Net (arXiv:1911.06971) from CVPR 202