59 research outputs found

    Abstraction in Reinforcement Learning

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    Abstrakce je důležitý nástroj pro inteligentního agenta. Pomáhá mu řešit složité úlohy tím, že ignoruje nedůležité detaily. V této práci popíši nový algoritmus pro hledání abstrakcí, Online Partition Iteration, který je založený na teorii homomorfismů Markovských rozhodovacích procesů. Můj algoritmus dokáže vytvořit abstrakce ze zkušeností nasbíraných agentem v prostředích s vysokodimenzionálními stavy a velkým množství dostupných akcí. Také představím nový přístup k přenášení abstrakcí mezi různými úlohami, který dosáhl nelpších výsledků ve většině mých experimentů. Nakonec dokážu správnost svého algoritmu pro hledání abstrakcí.Abstraction is an important tool for an intelligent agent. It can help the agent act in complex environments by selecting which details are important and which to ignore. In my thesis, I describe a novel abstraction algorithm called Online Partition Iteration, which is based on the theory of Markov Decision Process homomorphisms. The algorithm can find abstractions from a stream of collected experience in high-dimensional environments. I also introduce a technique for transferring the found abstractions between tasks that outperforms a deep Q-network baseline in the majority of my experiments. Finally, I prove the correctness of my abstraction algorithm

    Transfer Learning Through Policy Abstraction Using Learning Vector Quantization

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    Reinforcement learning (RL) enables an agent to find a solution to a problem by interacting with the environment. However, the learning process always starts from scratch and possibly takes a long time. Here, knowledge transfer between tasks is considered. In this paper, we argue that an abstraction can improve the transfer learning. Modified learning vector quantization (LVQ) that can manipulate its network weights is proposed to perform an abstraction, an adaptation and a precaution. At first, the abstraction is performed by extracting an abstract policy out of a learned policy which is acquired through conventional RL method, Q-learning. The abstract policy then is used in a new task as prior information. Here, the adaptation or policy learning as well as new task's abstract policy generating are performed using only a single operation. Simulation results show that the representation of acquired abstract policy is interpretable, that the modified LVQ successfully performs policy learning as well as generates abstract policy and that the application of generalized common abstract policy produces better results by more effectively guiding the agent when learning a new task

    Advancing Data-Efficiency in Reinforcement Learning

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    In many real-world applications, including traffic control, robotics and web system configurations, we are confronted with real-time decision-making problems where data is limited. Reinforcement Learning (RL) allows us to construct a mathematical framework to solve sequential decision-making problems under uncertainty. Under low-data constraints, RL agents must be able to quickly identify relevant information in the observations, and to quickly learn how to act in order attain their long-term objective. While recent advancements in RL have demonstrated impressive achievements, the end-to-end approach they take favours autonomy and flexibility at the expense of fast learning. To be of practical use, there is an undeniable need to improve the data-efficiency of existing systems. Ideal RL agents would possess an optimal way of representing their environment, combined with an efficient mechanism for propagating reward signals across the state space. This thesis investigates the problem of data-efficiency in RL from these two aforementioned perspectives. A deep overview of the different representation learning methods in use in RL is provided. The aim of this overview is to categorise the different representation learning approaches and highlight the impact of the representation on data-efficiency. Then, this framing is used to develop two main research directions. The first problem focuses on learning a representation that captures the geometry of the problem. An RL mechanism that uses a scalable feature learning on graphs method to learn such rich representations is introduced, ultimately leading to more efficient value function approximation. Secondly, ET (λ ), an algorithm that improves credit assignment in stochastic environments by propagating reward information counterfactually is presented. ET (λ ) results in faster earning compared to traditional methods that rely solely on temporal credit assignment. Overall, this thesis shows how a structural representation encoding the geometry of the state space, and counterfactual credit assignment are key characteristics for data-efficient RL

    Reinforcement learning in large state action spaces

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    Reinforcement learning (RL) is a promising framework for training intelligent agents which learn to optimize long term utility by directly interacting with the environment. Creating RL methods which scale to large state-action spaces is a critical problem towards ensuring real world deployment of RL systems. However, several challenges limit the applicability of RL to large scale settings. These include difficulties with exploration, low sample efficiency, computational intractability, task constraints like decentralization and lack of guarantees about important properties like performance, generalization and robustness in potentially unseen scenarios. This thesis is motivated towards bridging the aforementioned gap. We propose several principled algorithms and frameworks for studying and addressing the above challenges RL. The proposed methods cover a wide range of RL settings (single and multi-agent systems (MAS) with all the variations in the latter, prediction and control, model-based and model-free methods, value-based and policy-based methods). In this work we propose the first results on several different problems: e.g. tensorization of the Bellman equation which allows exponential sample efficiency gains (Chapter 4), provable suboptimality arising from structural constraints in MAS(Chapter 3), combinatorial generalization results in cooperative MAS(Chapter 5), generalization results on observation shifts(Chapter 7), learning deterministic policies in a probabilistic RL framework(Chapter 6). Our algorithms exhibit provably enhanced performance and sample efficiency along with better scalability. Additionally, we also shed light on generalization aspects of the agents under different frameworks. These properties have been been driven by the use of several advanced tools (e.g. statistical machine learning, state abstraction, variational inference, tensor theory). In summary, the contributions in this thesis significantly advance progress towards making RL agents ready for large scale, real world applications

    Hierarchical reinforcement learning for trading agents

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    Autonomous software agents, the use of which has increased due to the recent growth in computer power, have considerably improved electronic commerce processes by facilitating automated trading actions between the market participants (sellers, brokers and buyers). The rapidly changing market environments pose challenges to the performance of such agents, which are generally developed for specific market settings. To this end, this thesis is concerned with designing agents that can gradually adapt to variable, dynamic and uncertain markets and that are able to reuse the acquired trading skills in new markets. This thesis proposes the use of reinforcement learning techniques to develop adaptive trading agents and puts forward a novel software architecture based on the semi-Markov decision process and on an innovative knowledge transfer framework. To evaluate my approach, the developed trading agents are tested in internationally well-known market simulations and their behaviours when buying or/and selling in the retail and wholesale markets are analysed. The proposed approach has been shown to improve the adaptation of the trading agent in a specific market as well as to enable the portability of the its knowledge in new markets

    Scalable transfer learning in heterogeneous, dynamic environments

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    Ministry of Education, Singapore under its Academic Research Funding Tier

    Deep Learning and Reward Design for Reinforcement Learning

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    One of the fundamental problems in Artificial Intelligence is sequential decision making in a flexible environment. Reinforcement Learning (RL) gives a set of tools for solving sequential decision problems. Although the theory of RL addresses a general class of learning problems with a constructive mathematical formulation, the challenges posed by the interaction of rich perception and delayed rewards in many domains remain a significant barrier to the widespread applicability of RL methods. The rich perception problem itself has two components: 1) the sensors at any time step do not capture all the information in the history of observations, leading to partial observability, and 2) the sensors provide very high-dimensional observations, such as images and natural languages, that introduce computational and sample-complexity challenges for the representation and generalization problems in policy selection. The delayed reward problem—that the effect of actions in terms of future rewards is delayed in time—makes it hard to determine how to credit action sequences for reward outcomes. This dissertation offers a set of contributions that adapt the hierarchical representation learning power of deep learning to address rich perception in vision and text domains, and develop new reward design algorithms to address delayed rewards. The first contribution is a new learning method for deep neural networks in vision-based real-time control. The learning method distills slow policies of the Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) into fast convolutional neural networks, which outperforms the conventional Deep Q-Network. The second contribution is a new end-to-end reward design algorithm to mitigate the delayed rewards for the state-of-the-art MCTS method. The reward design algorithm converts visual perceptions into reward bonuses via deep neural networks, and optimizes the network weights to improve the performance of MCTS end-to-end via policy gradient. The third contribution is to extend existing policy gradient reward design method from single task to multiple tasks. Reward bonuses learned from old tasks are transferred to new tasks to facilitate learning. The final contribution is an application of deep reinforcement learning to another type of rich perception, ambiguous texts. A synthetic data set is proposed to evaluate the querying, reasoning and question-answering abilities of RL agents, and a deep memory network architecture is applied to solve these challenging problems to substantial degrees.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136931/1/guoxiao_1.pd