158 research outputs found

    Learning to Draw Samples with Amortized Stein Variational Gradient Descent

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    We propose a simple algorithm to train stochastic neural networks to draw samples from given target distributions for probabilistic inference. Our method is based on iteratively adjusting the neural network parameters so that the output changes along a Stein variational gradient direction (Liu & Wang, 2016) that maximally decreases the KL divergence with the target distribution. Our method works for any target distribution specified by their unnormalized density function, and can train any black-box architectures that are differentiable in terms of the parameters we want to adapt. We demonstrate our method with a number of applications, including variational autoencoder (VAE) with expressive encoders to model complex latent space structures, and hyper-parameter learning of MCMC samplers that allows Bayesian inference to adaptively improve itself when seeing more data.Comment: Accepted by UAI 201

    Reinforcement Learning with Deep Energy-Based Policies

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    We propose a method for learning expressive energy-based policies for continuous states and actions, which has been feasible only in tabular domains before. We apply our method to learning maximum entropy policies, resulting into a new algorithm, called soft Q-learning, that expresses the optimal policy via a Boltzmann distribution. We use the recently proposed amortized Stein variational gradient descent to learn a stochastic sampling network that approximates samples from this distribution. The benefits of the proposed algorithm include improved exploration and compositionality that allows transferring skills between tasks, which we confirm in simulated experiments with swimming and walking robots. We also draw a connection to actor-critic methods, which can be viewed performing approximate inference on the corresponding energy-based model

    Learning Deep Energy Models: Contrastive Divergence vs. Amortized MLE

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    We propose a number of new algorithms for learning deep energy models and demonstrate their properties. We show that our SteinCD performs well in term of test likelihood, while SteinGAN performs well in terms of generating realistic looking images. Our results suggest promising directions for learning better models by combining GAN-style methods with traditional energy-based learning

    Advances in Variational Inference

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    Many modern unsupervised or semi-supervised machine learning algorithms rely on Bayesian probabilistic models. These models are usually intractable and thus require approximate inference. Variational inference (VI) lets us approximate a high-dimensional Bayesian posterior with a simpler variational distribution by solving an optimization problem. This approach has been successfully used in various models and large-scale applications. In this review, we give an overview of recent trends in variational inference. We first introduce standard mean field variational inference, then review recent advances focusing on the following aspects: (a) scalable VI, which includes stochastic approximations, (b) generic VI, which extends the applicability of VI to a large class of otherwise intractable models, such as non-conjugate models, (c) accurate VI, which includes variational models beyond the mean field approximation or with atypical divergences, and (d) amortized VI, which implements the inference over local latent variables with inference networks. Finally, we provide a summary of promising future research directions

    Continuous-Time Flows for Efficient Inference and Density Estimation

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    Two fundamental problems in unsupervised learning are efficient inference for latent-variable models and robust density estimation based on large amounts of unlabeled data. Algorithms for the two tasks, such as normalizing flows and generative adversarial networks (GANs), are often developed independently. In this paper, we propose the concept of {\em continuous-time flows} (CTFs), a family of diffusion-based methods that are able to asymptotically approach a target distribution. Distinct from normalizing flows and GANs, CTFs can be adopted to achieve the above two goals in one framework, with theoretical guarantees. Our framework includes distilling knowledge from a CTF for efficient inference, and learning an explicit energy-based distribution with CTFs for density estimation. Both tasks rely on a new technique for distribution matching within amortized learning. Experiments on various tasks demonstrate promising performance of the proposed CTF framework, compared to related techniques.Comment: ICML 2018 (fixed a reference

    Generative Particle Variational Inference via Estimation of Functional Gradients

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    Recently, particle-based variational inference (ParVI) methods have gained interest because they directly minimize the Kullback-Leibler divergence and do not suffer from approximation errors from the evidence-based lower bound. However, many ParVI approaches do not allow arbitrary sampling from the posterior, and the few that do allow such sampling suffer from suboptimality. This work proposes a new method for learning to approximately sample from the posterior distribution. We construct a neural sampler that is trained with the functional gradient of the KL-divergence between the empirical sampling distribution and the target distribution, assuming the gradient resides within a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. Our generative ParVI (GPVI) approach maintains the asymptotic performance of ParVI methods while offering the flexibility of a generative sampler. Through carefully constructed experiments, we show that GPVI outperforms previous generative ParVI methods such as amortized SVGD, and is competitive with ParVI as well as gold-standard approaches like Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for fitting both exactly known and intractable target distributions.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables, 1 algorith

    Semi-Amortized Variational Autoencoders

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    Amortized variational inference (AVI) replaces instance-specific local inference with a global inference network. While AVI has enabled efficient training of deep generative models such as variational autoencoders (VAE), recent empirical work suggests that inference networks can produce suboptimal variational parameters. We propose a hybrid approach, to use AVI to initialize the variational parameters and run stochastic variational inference (SVI) to refine them. Crucially, the local SVI procedure is itself differentiable, so the inference network and generative model can be trained end-to-end with gradient-based optimization. This semi-amortized approach enables the use of rich generative models without experiencing the posterior-collapse phenomenon common in training VAEs for problems like text generation. Experiments show this approach outperforms strong autoregressive and variational baselines on standard text and image datasets.Comment: ICML 201

    Stein Variational Gradient Descent as Moment Matching

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    Stein variational gradient descent (SVGD) is a non-parametric inference algorithm that evolves a set of particles to fit a given distribution of interest. We analyze the non-asymptotic properties of SVGD, showing that there exists a set of functions, which we call the Stein matching set, whose expectations are exactly estimated by any set of particles that satisfies the fixed point equation of SVGD. This set is the image of Stein operator applied on the feature maps of the positive definite kernel used in SVGD. Our results provide a theoretical framework for analyzing the properties of SVGD with different kernels, shedding insight into optimal kernel choice. In particular, we show that SVGD with linear kernels yields exact estimation of means and variances on Gaussian distributions, while random Fourier features enable probabilistic bounds for distributional approximation. Our results offer a refreshing view of the classical inference problem as fitting Stein's identity or solving the Stein equation, which may motivate more efficient algorithms.Comment: Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 201

    Adversarial Learning of a Sampler Based on an Unnormalized Distribution

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    We investigate adversarial learning in the case when only an unnormalized form of the density can be accessed, rather than samples. With insights so garnered, adversarial learning is extended to the case for which one has access to an unnormalized form u(x) of the target density function, but no samples. Further, new concepts in GAN regularization are developed, based on learning from samples or from u(x). The proposed method is compared to alternative approaches, with encouraging results demonstrated across a range of applications, including deep soft Q-learning.Comment: Published in AISTATS 2019; Code: https://github.com/ChunyuanLI/RA

    Self-Adversarially Learned Bayesian Sampling

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    Scalable Bayesian sampling is playing an important role in modern machine learning, especially in the fast-developed unsupervised-(deep)-learning models. While tremendous progresses have been achieved via scalable Bayesian sampling such as stochastic gradient MCMC (SG-MCMC) and Stein variational gradient descent (SVGD), the generated samples are typically highly correlated. Moreover, their sample-generation processes are often criticized to be inefficient. In this paper, we propose a novel self-adversarial learning framework that automatically learns a conditional generator to mimic the behavior of a Markov kernel (transition kernel). High-quality samples can be efficiently generated by direct forward passes though a learned generator. Most importantly, the learning process adopts a self-learning paradigm, requiring no information on existing Markov kernels, e.g., knowledge of how to draw samples from them. Specifically, our framework learns to use current samples, either from the generator or pre-provided training data, to update the generator such that the generated samples progressively approach a target distribution, thus it is called self-learning. Experiments on both synthetic and real datasets verify advantages of our framework, outperforming related methods in terms of both sampling efficiency and sample quality.Comment: AAAI 201
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