3 research outputs found

    Performing Arts via Digital Storytelling

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    Digital storytelling uses digital tools to take storytelling to a whole new level. It is an emerging area of creative work, thus its definition is still being debated. Digital storytelling has already been applied by many to tell short stories about basically any topic of their desire. The performing arts are those forms of art which uses the artist's own body, face and presence as a medium, as opposed to plastic arts that uses materials to create a tangible art object. According to survey conducted, there exists a lack of interest and understanding in Malaysian cultural performing arts, thus there is a need to promote interest in this art so that it will still be around in the future. Thus this project intends to develop a digital story on Malaysian cultural performing arts. Digital storytelling is utilized in the MCGS, and would be used by the general public, and specifically those with a special interest in this form of art, in order for them to gain more knowledge and generate more interest in the said topic. The system covers music and dance performances captured in UTP. The system is developed using the digital storytelling taxonomy as a guide, to create an interactive storyline. Through research, development, and evaluation, it is found that the level of awareness on Malaysian cultural performing arts is still relatively low, and that the MCGS has been able to raise awareness and interest level amongst the users

    Performing Arts via Digital Storytelling

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    Digital storytelling uses digital tools to take storytelling to a whole new level. It is an emerging area of creative work, thus its definition is still being debated. Digital storytelling has already been applied by many to tell short stories about basically any topic of their desire. The performing arts are those forms of art which uses the artist's own body, face and presence as a medium, as opposed to plastic arts that uses materials to create a tangible art object. According to survey conducted, there exists a lack of interest and understanding in Malaysian cultural performing arts, thus there is a need to promote interest in this art so that it will still be around in the future. Thus this project intends to develop a digital story on Malaysian cultural performing arts. Digital storytelling is utilized in the MCGS, and would be used by the general public, and specifically those with a special interest in this form of art, in order for them to gain more knowledge and generate more interest in the said topic. The system covers music and dance performances captured in UTP. The system is developed using the digital storytelling taxonomy as a guide, to create an interactive storyline. Through research, development, and evaluation, it is found that the level of awareness on Malaysian cultural performing arts is still relatively low, and that the MCGS has been able to raise awareness and interest level amongst the users

    Proof of Concept For the Use of Motion Capture Technology In Athletic Pedagogy

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    Visualization has long been an important method for conveying complex information. Where information transfer using written and spoken means might amount to 200-250 words per minute, visual media can often convey information at many times this rate. This makes visualization a potentially important tool for education. Athletic instruction, particularly, can involve communication about complex human movement that is not easily conveyed with written or spoken descriptions. Video based instruction can be problematic since video data can contain too much information, thereby making it more difficult for a student to absorb what is cognitively necessary. The lesson is to present the learner what is needed and not more. We present a novel use of motion capture animation as an educational tool for teaching athletic movements. The advantage of motion capture is its ability to accurately represent real human motion in a minimalist context which removes extraneous information normally found in video. Motion capture animation only displays motion information, not additional information regarding the motion context. Producing an “automated coach” would be too large and difficult a problem to solve within the scope of a Master's thesis but we can perform initial steps including producing a useful software tool which performs data analysis on two motion datasets. We believe such a tool would be beneficial to a human coach as an analysis tool and the work would provide some useful understanding of next important steps towards perhaps someday producing an automated coach