93,157 research outputs found

    Generalized Boosting Algorithms for Convex Optimization

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    Boosting is a popular way to derive powerful learners from simpler hypothesis classes. Following previous work (Mason et al., 1999; Friedman, 2000) on general boosting frameworks, we analyze gradient-based descent algorithms for boosting with respect to any convex objective and introduce a new measure of weak learner performance into this setting which generalizes existing work. We present the weak to strong learning guarantees for the existing gradient boosting work for strongly-smooth, strongly-convex objectives under this new measure of performance, and also demonstrate that this work fails for non-smooth objectives. To address this issue, we present new algorithms which extend this boosting approach to arbitrary convex loss functions and give corresponding weak to strong convergence results. In addition, we demonstrate experimental results that support our analysis and demonstrate the need for the new algorithms we present.Comment: Extended version of paper presented at the International Conference on Machine Learning, 2011. 9 pages + appendix with proof

    Proximal boosting and its acceleration

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    Gradient boosting is a prediction method that iteratively combines weak learners to produce a complex and accurate model. From an optimization point of view, the learning procedure of gradient boosting mimics a gradient descent on a functional variable. This paper proposes to build upon the proximal point algorithm when the empirical risk to minimize is not differentiable to introduce a novel boosting approach, called proximal boosting. Besides being motivated by non-differentiable optimization, the proposed algorithm benefits from Nesterov's acceleration in the same way as gradient boosting [Biau et al., 2018]. This leads to a variant, called accelerated proximal boosting. Advantages of leveraging proximal methods for boosting are illustrated by numerical experiments on simulated and real-world data. In particular, we exhibit a favorable comparison over gradient boosting regarding convergence rate and prediction accuracy

    Boosting with early stopping: Convergence and consistency

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    Boosting is one of the most significant advances in machine learning for classification and regression. In its original and computationally flexible version, boosting seeks to minimize empirically a loss function in a greedy fashion. The resulting estimator takes an additive function form and is built iteratively by applying a base estimator (or learner) to updated samples depending on the previous iterations. An unusual regularization technique, early stopping, is employed based on CV or a test set. This paper studies numerical convergence, consistency and statistical rates of convergence of boosting with early stopping, when it is carried out over the linear span of a family of basis functions. For general loss functions, we prove the convergence of boosting's greedy optimization to the infinimum of the loss function over the linear span. Using the numerical convergence result, we find early-stopping strategies under which boosting is shown to be consistent based on i.i.d. samples, and we obtain bounds on the rates of convergence for boosting estimators. Simulation studies are also presented to illustrate the relevance of our theoretical results for providing insights to practical aspects of boosting. As a side product, these results also reveal the importance of restricting the greedy search step-sizes, as known in practice through the work of Friedman and others. Moreover, our results lead to a rigorous proof that for a linearly separable problem, AdaBoost with \epsilon\to0 step-size becomes an L^1-margin maximizer when left to run to convergence.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053605000000255 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Structured Learning via Logistic Regression

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    A successful approach to structured learning is to write the learning objective as a joint function of linear parameters and inference messages, and iterate between updates to each. This paper observes that if the inference problem is "smoothed" through the addition of entropy terms, for fixed messages, the learning objective reduces to a traditional (non-structured) logistic regression problem with respect to parameters. In these logistic regression problems, each training example has a bias term determined by the current set of messages. Based on this insight, the structured energy function can be extended from linear factors to any function class where an "oracle" exists to minimize a logistic loss.Comment: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 201
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