12,257 research outputs found

    Fuzzy ARTMAP, Slow Learning and Probability Estimation

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    A nonparametric probability estimation procedure using the fuzzy ARTMAP neural network is here described. Because the procedure does not make a priori assumptions about underlying probability distributions, it yields accurate estimates on a wide variety of prediction tasks. Fuzzy ARTMAP is used to perform probability estimation in two different modes. In a 'slow-learning' mode, input-output associations change slowly, with the strength of each association computing a conditional probability estimate. In 'max-nodes' mode, a fixed number of categories are coded during an initial fast learning interval, and weights are then tuned by slow learning. Simulations illustrate system performance on tasks in which various numbers of clusters in the set of input vectors mapped to a given class.British Petroleum (89-A-1204); Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (AFOSR-90-0083, ONR-N00014-92-J-4015); National Science Foundation (IRI-90-00530); Office of Naval Research (N00014-91-J-4100); Air Force Office of Scientific Research (90-1075

    A Constructive, Incremental-Learning Network for Mixture Modeling and Classification

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    Gaussian ARTMAP (GAM) is a supervised-learning adaptive resonance theory (ART) network that uses Gaussian-defined receptive fields. Like other ART networks, GAM incrementally learns and constructs a representation of sufficient complexity to solve a problem it is trained on. GAM's representation is a Gaussian mixture model of the input space, with learned mappings from the mixture components to output classes. We show a close relationship between GAM and the well-known Expectation-Maximization (EM) approach to mixture-modeling. GAM outperforms an EM classification algorithm on a classification benchmark, thereby demonstrating the advantage of the ART match criterion for regulating learning, and the ARTMAP match tracking operation for incorporate environmental feedback in supervised learning situations.Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409

    A Constructive, Incremental-Learning Network for Mixture Modeling and Classification

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    Gaussian ARTMAP (GAM) is a supervised-learning adaptive resonance theory (ART) network that uses Gaussian-defined receptive fields. Like other ART networks, GAM incrementally learns and constructs a representation of sufficient complexity to solve a problem it is trained on. GAM's representation is a Gaussian mixture model of the input space, with learned mappings from the mixture components to output classes. We show a close relationship between GAM and the well-known Expectation-Maximization (EM) approach to mixture-modeling. GAM outperforms an EM classification algorithm on a classification benchmark, thereby demonstrating the advantage of the ART match criterion for regulating learning, and the ARTMAP match tracking operation for incorporate environmental feedback in supervised learning situations.Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409

    Neural Sensor Fusion for Spatial Visualization on a Mobile Robot

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    An ARTMAP neural network is used to integrate visual information and ultrasonic sensory information on a B 14 mobile robot. Training samples for the neural network are acquired without human intervention. Sensory snapshots are retrospectively associated with the distance to the wall, provided by on~ board odomctry as the robot travels in a straight line. The goal is to produce a more accurate measure of distance than is provided by the raw sensors. The neural network effectively combines sensory sources both within and between modalities. The improved distance percept is used to produce occupancy grid visualizations of the robot's environment. The maps produced point to specific problems of raw sensory information processing and demonstrate the benefits of using a neural network system for sensor fusion.Office of Naval Research and Naval Research Laboratory (00014-96-1-0772, 00014-95-1-0409, 00014-95-0657

    Mobile Robot Sensor Fusion with Fuzzy ARTMAP

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    The raw sensory input available to a mobile robot suffers from a variety of shortcomings. Sensor fusion can yield a percept more veridical than is available from any single sensor input. In this project, the fuzzy ARTMAP neural network is used to fuse sonar and visual sonar on a B14 mobile robot. The neural network learns to associate specific sensory inputs with a corresponding distance metric. Once trained, the network yields predictions of range to obstacles that are more accurate than those provided by either sensor type alone. This improvement in accuracy holds across all distances and angles of approach tested.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Office of Naval Research, Navy Research Laboratory (ONR-00014-96-1-0772, ONR-00014-95-1-0409, ONR-00014-95-0657

    A Familiartiy-Based Bound on the Expected Error Rate for Classification with the Fuzzy ARTMAP Neural Network

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    We obtain a bound on the expected error rate of the fuzzy ARTMAP neural network employed as a classifier. This bound is based on leave-one-out estimation of the classification error, and is analogous to a bound on the expected error rate for support vector machines.Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409
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