8,578 research outputs found

    Orthographic input and phonological representations in learners of Chinese as a foreign language.

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    This paper provides evidence that the second language orthographic input affects the mental representations of L2 phonology in instructed beginner L2 learners. Previous research has shown that orthographic representations affect monolinguals' performance in phonological awareness tasks; in instructed L2 learners such representations could also affect pronunciation. This study looked at the phonological representations of Chinese rimes in beginner learners of Chinese as a foreign language, using a phoneme counting task and a phoneme segmentation task. Results show that learners do not count or segment the main vowel in those syllables where it is not represented in the pinyin (romanisation) orthographic representations. It appears that the pinyin orthographic input is reinterpreted according to L1 phonology-orthography correspondences, and interacts with the phonological input in shaping the phonological representations of Chinese syllables in beginner learners. This explains previous findings that learners of Chinese do not pronounce the main vowel in these syllables

    Acoustic data-driven lexicon learning based on a greedy pronunciation selection framework

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    Speech recognition systems for irregularly-spelled languages like English normally require hand-written pronunciations. In this paper, we describe a system for automatically obtaining pronunciations of words for which pronunciations are not available, but for which transcribed data exists. Our method integrates information from the letter sequence and from the acoustic evidence. The novel aspect of the problem that we address is the problem of how to prune entries from such a lexicon (since, empirically, lexicons with too many entries do not tend to be good for ASR performance). Experiments on various ASR tasks show that, with the proposed framework, starting with an initial lexicon of several thousand words, we are able to learn a lexicon which performs close to a full expert lexicon in terms of WER performance on test data, and is better than lexicons built using G2P alone or with a pruning criterion based on pronunciation probability

    Effects of hanyu pinyin on pronunciation in learners of Chinese as a foreign language

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    This paper provides evidence that the hanyu pinyin representation of the phonology of Chinese affects the production of Chinese phonology in instructed learners of Chinese as a Foreign Language. Pinyin generally has a one-to-one correspondence between graphemes and phonemes, but its transcription of some Chinese rimes does not represent the main vowel. As a consequence, learners of Chinese as a Foreign Language have non-target-like phonological representations of Chinese rimes, which in turn lead to non-target-like pronunciations. A hanzi reading-aloud task was used to elicit syllables containing the three rimes /iou/, /uei/ and /uən/ from final-year CFL students. Results show that learners often delete the vowels that are not represented in the pinyin transcription, but they produce the same vowels in the same rimes when the pinyin transcription represents them. It is concluded that the pinyin orthographic input interacts with the phonological input in shaping the phonological representations and pronunciation of Chinese syllables in intermediate as well as beginner CFL learners. Language teachers should therefore be aware of the effects of the pinyin orthography

    Automatic generation of audio content for open learning resources

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    This paper describes how digital talking books (DTBs) with embedded functionality for learners can be generated from content structured according to the OU OpenLearn schema. It includes examples showing how a software transformation developed from open source components can be used to remix OpenLearn content, and discusses issues concerning the generation of synthesised speech for educational purposes. Factors which may affect the quality of a learner's experience with open educational audio resources are identified, and in conclusion plans for testing the effect of these factors are outlined
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