16 research outputs found

    Learning latent representations for style control and transfer in end-to-end speech synthesis

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    In this paper, we introduce the Variational Autoencoder (VAE) to an end-to-end speech synthesis model, to learn the latent representation of speaking styles in an unsupervised manner. The style representation learned through VAE shows good properties such as disentangling, scaling, and combination, which makes it easy for style control. Style transfer can be achieved in this framework by first inferring style representation through the recognition network of VAE, then feeding it into TTS network to guide the style in synthesizing speech. To avoid Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence collapse in training, several techniques are adopted. Finally, the proposed model shows good performance of style control and outperforms Global Style Token (GST) model in ABX preference tests on style transfer.Comment: Paper accepted by ICASSP 201

    GraphTTS: graph-to-sequence modelling in neural text-to-speech

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    This paper leverages the graph-to-sequence method in neural text-to-speech (GraphTTS), which maps the graph embedding of the input sequence to spectrograms. The graphical inputs consist of node and edge representations constructed from input texts. The encoding of these graphical inputs incorporates syntax information by a GNN encoder module. Besides, applying the encoder of GraphTTS as a graph auxiliary encoder (GAE) can analyse prosody information from the semantic structure of texts. This can remove the manual selection of reference audios process and makes prosody modelling an end-to-end procedure. Experimental analysis shows that GraphTTS outperforms the state-of-the-art sequence-to-sequence models by 0.24 in Mean Opinion Score (MOS). GAE can adjust the pause, ventilation and tones of synthesised audios automatically. This experimental conclusion may give some inspiration to researchers working on improving speech synthesis prosody.Comment: Accepted to ICASSP 202

    Fine-grained Style Modeling, Transfer and Prediction in Text-to-Speech Synthesis via Phone-Level Content-Style Disentanglement

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    This paper presents a novel design of neural network system for fine-grained style modeling, transfer and prediction in expressive text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis. Fine-grained modeling is realized by extracting style embeddings from the mel-spectrograms of phone-level speech segments. Collaborative learning and adversarial learning strategies are applied in order to achieve effective disentanglement of content and style factors in speech and alleviate the "content leakage" problem in style modeling. The proposed system can be used for varying-content speech style transfer in the single-speaker scenario. The results of objective and subjective evaluation show that our system performs better than other fine-grained speech style transfer models, especially in the aspect of content preservation. By incorporating a style predictor, the proposed system can also be used for text-to-speech synthesis. Audio samples are provided for system demonstration https://daxintan-cuhk.github.io/pl-csd-speech .Comment: Accepted by Interspeech 202

    Prosodic Representation Learning and Contextual Sampling for Neural Text-to-Speech

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    In this paper, we introduce Kathaka, a model trained with a novel two-stage training process for neural speech synthesis with contextually appropriate prosody. In Stage I, we learn a prosodic distribution at the sentence level from mel-spectrograms available during training. In Stage II, we propose a novel method to sample from this learnt prosodic distribution using the contextual information available in text. To do this, we use BERT on text, and graph-attention networks on parse trees extracted from text. We show a statistically significant relative improvement of 13.2%13.2\% in naturalness over a strong baseline when compared to recordings. We also conduct an ablation study on variations of our sampling technique, and show a statistically significant improvement over the baseline in each case.Comment: 5 pages and 3 figure

    Emotional speech synthesis with rich and granularized control

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    This paper proposes an effective emotion control method for an end-to-end text-to-speech (TTS) system. To flexibly control the distinct characteristic of a target emotion category, it is essential to determine embedding vectors representing the TTS input. We introduce an inter-to-intra emotional distance ratio algorithm to the embedding vectors that can minimize the distance to the target emotion category while maximizing its distance to the other emotion categories. To further enhance the expressiveness of a target speech, we also introduce an effective interpolation technique that enables the intensity of a target emotion to be gradually changed to that of neutral speech. Subjective evaluation results in terms of emotional expressiveness and controllability show the superiority of the proposed algorithm to the conventional methods.Comment: Submitted to ICASSP 202

    Reinforcement Learning for Emotional Text-to-Speech Synthesis with Improved Emotion Discriminability

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    Emotional text-to-speech synthesis (ETTS) has seen much progress in recent years. However, the generated voice is often not perceptually identifiable by its intended emotion category. To address this problem, we propose a new interactive training paradigm for ETTS, denoted as i-ETTS, which seeks to directly improve the emotion discriminability by interacting with a speech emotion recognition (SER) model. Moreover, we formulate an iterative training strategy with reinforcement learning to ensure the quality of i-ETTS optimization. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed i-ETTS outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines by rendering speech with more accurate emotion style. To our best knowledge, this is the first study of reinforcement learning in emotional text-to-speech synthesis.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, in Proceedings of INTERSPEECH 2021 conference, Speech Samples: https://ttslr.github.io/i-ETT

    GraphPB: Graphical Representations of Prosody Boundary in Speech Synthesis

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    This paper introduces a graphical representation approach of prosody boundary (GraphPB) in the task of Chinese speech synthesis, intending to parse the semantic and syntactic relationship of input sequences in a graphical domain for improving the prosody performance. The nodes of the graph embedding are formed by prosodic words, and the edges are formed by the other prosodic boundaries, namely prosodic phrase boundary (PPH) and intonation phrase boundary (IPH). Different Graph Neural Networks (GNN) like Gated Graph Neural Network (GGNN) and Graph Long Short-term Memory (G-LSTM) are utilised as graph encoders to exploit the graphical prosody boundary information. Graph-to-sequence model is proposed and formed by a graph encoder and an attentional decoder. Two techniques are proposed to embed sequential information into the graph-to-sequence text-to-speech model. The experimental results show that this proposed approach can encode the phonetic and prosody rhythm of an utterance. The mean opinion score (MOS) of these GNN models shows comparative results with the state-of-the-art sequence-to-sequence models with better performance in the aspect of prosody. This provides an alternative approach for prosody modelling in end-to-end speech synthesis.Comment: Accepted to SLT 202

    Fine-grained Emotion Strength Transfer, Control and Prediction for Emotional Speech Synthesis

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    This paper proposes a unified model to conduct emotion transfer, control and prediction for sequence-to-sequence based fine-grained emotional speech synthesis. Conventional emotional speech synthesis often needs manual labels or reference audio to determine the emotional expressions of synthesized speech. Such coarse labels cannot control the details of speech emotion, often resulting in an averaged emotion expression delivery, and it is also hard to choose suitable reference audio during inference. To conduct fine-grained emotion expression generation, we introduce phoneme-level emotion strength representations through a learned ranking function to describe the local emotion details, and the sentence-level emotion category is adopted to render the global emotions of synthesized speech. With the global render and local descriptors of emotions, we can obtain fine-grained emotion expressions from reference audio via its emotion descriptors (for transfer) or directly from phoneme-level manual labels (for control). As for the emotional speech synthesis with arbitrary text inputs, the proposed model can also predict phoneme-level emotion expressions from texts, which does not require any reference audio or manual label

    Energy Disaggregation using Variational Autoencoders

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    Non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) is a technique that uses a single sensor to measure the total power consumption of a building. Using an energy disaggregation method, the consumption of individual appliances can be estimated from the aggregate measurement. Recent disaggregation algorithms have significantly improved the performance of NILM systems. However, the generalization capability of these methods to different houses as well as the disaggregation of multi-state appliances are still major challenges. In this paper we address these issues and propose an energy disaggregation approach based on the variational autoencoders framework. The probabilistic encoder makes this approach an efficient model for encoding information relevant to the reconstruction of the target appliance consumption. In particular, the proposed model accurately generates more complex load profiles, thus improving the power signal reconstruction of multi-state appliances. Moreover, its regularized latent space improves the generalization capabilities of the model across different houses. The proposed model is compared to state-of-the-art NILM approaches on the UK-DALE and REFIT datasets, and yields competitive results. The mean absolute error reduces by 18% on average across all appliances compared to the state-of-the-art. The F1-Score increases by more than 11%, showing improvements for the detection of the target appliance in the aggregate measurement.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, results for the REFIT dataset adde

    Conditional Variational Autoencoder with Adversarial Learning for End-to-End Text-to-Speech

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    Several recent end-to-end text-to-speech (TTS) models enabling single-stage training and parallel sampling have been proposed, but their sample quality does not match that of two-stage TTS systems. In this work, we present a parallel end-to-end TTS method that generates more natural sounding audio than current two-stage models. Our method adopts variational inference augmented with normalizing flows and an adversarial training process, which improves the expressive power of generative modeling. We also propose a stochastic duration predictor to synthesize speech with diverse rhythms from input text. With the uncertainty modeling over latent variables and the stochastic duration predictor, our method expresses the natural one-to-many relationship in which a text input can be spoken in multiple ways with different pitches and rhythms. A subjective human evaluation (mean opinion score, or MOS) on the LJ Speech, a single speaker dataset, shows that our method outperforms the best publicly available TTS systems and achieves a MOS comparable to ground truth.Comment: ICML 202