8 research outputs found

    Flow Smoothing and Denoising: Graph Signal Processing in the Edge-Space

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    This paper focuses on devising graph signal processing tools for the treatment of data defined on the edges of a graph. We first show that conventional tools from graph signal processing may not be suitable for the analysis of such signals. More specifically, we discuss how the underlying notion of a `smooth signal' inherited from (the typically considered variants of) the graph Laplacian are not suitable when dealing with edge signals that encode a notion of flow. To overcome this limitation we introduce a class of filters based on the Edge-Laplacian, a special case of the Hodge-Laplacian for simplicial complexes of order one. We demonstrate how this Edge-Laplacian leads to low-pass filters that enforce (approximate) flow-conservation in the processed signals. Moreover, we show how these new filters can be combined with more classical Laplacian-based processing methods on the line-graph. Finally, we illustrate the developed tools by denoising synthetic traffic flows on the London street network.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figur

    Signal Processing on Product Spaces

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    We establish a framework for signal processing on product spaces of simplicial and cellular complexes. For simplicity, we focus on the product of two complexes representing time and space, although our results generalize naturally to products of simplicial complexes of arbitrary dimension. Our framework leverages the structure of the eigenmodes of the Hodge Laplacian of the product space to jointly filter along time and space. To this end, we provide a decomposition theorem of the Hodge Laplacian of the product space, which highlights how the product structure induces a decomposition of each eigenmode into a spatial and temporal component. Finally, we apply our method to real world data, specifically for interpolating trajectories of buoys in the ocean from a limited set of observed trajectories

    A Notion of Harmonic Clustering in Simplicial Complexes

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    We outline a novel clustering scheme for simplicial complexes that produces clusters of simplices in a way that is sensitive to the homology of the complex. The method is inspired by, and can be seen as a higher-dimensional version of, graph spectral clustering. The algorithm involves only sparse eigenproblems, and is therefore computationally efficient. We believe that it has broad application as a way to extract features from simplicial complexes that often arise in topological data analysis