5 research outputs found

    On the nature, origins and outcomes of Over Featuring in the new product development process

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    Developing new products and services beyond what is required by the needs of users, market demand and the resources of companies ranks among the top 10 risks leading to new product development (NPD) failures. This study defines and refers to this multifaceted phenomenon as ‘Over Featuring’ (OVF) to group different forms of excessive product development, from scope creep to overspecification and feature creep. The classification and theoretical development of the various forms of OVF is proposed, also origins and adverse outcomes, such as feature fatigue, are explored. Stage-Gate and Agile approaches are discussed in the light of the OVF phenomenon


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    One of the major risks in software development projects is the phenomenon of Over-Requirement, also known as over-specification and gold-plating, where a product or a service is specified beyond the actual requirements of the customer or the market. We argue that Over-Requirement is partially due to the emotional involvement of developers with specified features, an involvement associated with the IKEA or the I-designed-it-myself effect, which implies that people come to overvalue their creations when successfully designed or constructed by them. To investigate this argument, we conducted an experiment in the context of software development in which over 200 undergraduate students participated. The experiment required participants to complete a specification task and measured the change in perceived valuation of a specified nice-to-have feature, by measuring it before and after its specification was completed. The experiment results confirmed the existence of the IKEA effect and its influence on Over-Requirement. The results also imply that the IKEA effect in software development is multifaceted where the level of specification difficulty, whether objective difficulty (in terms of constrained specification duration or unconstrained specification freedom) or subjective difficulty (as reported by participants), affects the magnitude of the IKEA effect

    The Planning Fallacy as an Explanation for Over-Requirement in Software Development

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    Over-Requirement occurs in software development projects when a software product is specified beyond the actual needs. This study shows empirically that Over-Requirement happens partially due to the Planning Fallacy, i.e., the tendency of people to underestimate the time needed to complete a task. Underestimating the time needed to develop a software feature during project planning, we argue, may lead to including within the project scope more required and unrequired features than can be completed by the project deadline. To investigate this argument, we conducted an experiment in which participants were asked to estimate the time it would take to develop various software features in a software development project and then, given the project\u27s duration, to recommend which of the features to include within scope. The results confirmed that the Planning Fallacy occurs in the context of software development and influences the Over-Requirement phenomenon

    Detection of early warning signals for overruns in IS projects: linguistic analysis of business case language

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    Many Information Systems (IS) projects fail to be completed within budget and on schedule. A contributing factor is the so-called planning fallacy in which people tend to underestimate the resources required to complete a project. In this paper, we propose that signals of the planning fallacy can be detected in a project’s business case. We investigated whether language usage in business cases can serve as an early warning signal for overruns in IS projects. Drawing on two theoretical perspectives–t