139,661 research outputs found

    Bridging Action Space Mismatch in Learning from Demonstrations

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    Learning from demonstrations (LfD) methods guide learning agents to a desired solution using demonstrations from a teacher. While some LfD methods can handle small mismatches in the action spaces of the teacher and student, here we address the case where the teacher demonstrates the task in an action space that can be substantially different from that of the student -- thereby inducing a large action space mismatch. We bridge this gap with a framework, Morphological Adaptation in Imitation Learning (MAIL), that allows training an agent from demonstrations by other agents with significantly different morphologies (from the student or each other). MAIL is able to learn from suboptimal demonstrations, so long as they provide some guidance towards a desired solution. We demonstrate MAIL on challenging household cloth manipulation tasks and introduce a new DRY CLOTH task -- cloth manipulation in 3D task with obstacles. In these tasks, we train a visual control policy for a robot with one end-effector using demonstrations from a simulated agent with two end-effectors. MAIL shows up to 27% improvement over LfD and non-LfD baselines. It is deployed to a real Franka Panda robot, and can handle multiple variations in cloth properties (color, thickness, size, material) and pose (rotation and translation). We further show generalizability to transfers from n-to-m end-effectors, in the context of a simple rearrangement task

    A Mathematical Framework for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Obstacle Avoidance

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    The obstacle avoidance navigation problem for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is a very challenging problem. It lies at the intersection of many fields such as probability, differential geometry, optimal control, and robotics. We build a mathematical framework to solve this problem for quadrotors using both a theoretical approach through a Hamiltonian system and a machine learning approach that learns from human sub-experts\u27 multiple demonstrations in obstacle avoidance. Prior research on the machine learning approach uses an algorithm that does not incorporate geometry. We have developed tools to solve and test the obstacle avoidance problem through mathematics

    Curriculum-Based Imitation of Versatile Skills

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    Learning skills by imitation is a promising concept for the intuitive teaching of robots. A common way to learn such skills is to learn a parametric model by maximizing the likelihood given the demonstrations. Yet, human demonstrations are often multi-modal, i.e., the same task is solved in multiple ways which is a major challenge for most imitation learning methods that are based on such a maximum likelihood (ML) objective. The ML objective forces the model to cover all data, it prevents specialization in the context space and can cause mode-averaging in the behavior space, leading to suboptimal or potentially catastrophic behavior. Here, we alleviate those issues by introducing a curriculum using a weight for each data point, allowing the model to specialize on data it can represent while incentivizing it to cover as much data as possible by an entropy bonus. We extend our algorithm to a Mixture of (linear) Experts (MoE) such that the single components can specialize on local context regions, while the MoE covers all data points. We evaluate our approach in complex simulated and real robot control tasks and show it learns from versatile human demonstrations and significantly outperforms current SOTA methods. A reference implementation can be found at https://github.com/intuitive-robots/ml-cu

    Curriculum-Based Imitation of Versatile Skills

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    Learning skills by imitation is a promising concept for the intuitive teaching of robots. A common way to learn such skills is to learn a parametric model by maximizing the likelihood given the demonstrations. Yet, human demonstrations are often multi-modal, i.e., the same task is solved in multiple ways which is a major challenge for most imitation learning methods that are based on such a maximum likelihood (ML) objective. The ML objective forces the model to cover all data, it prevents specialization in the context space and can cause mode-averaging in the behavior space, leading to suboptimal or potentially catastrophic behavior. Here, we alleviate those issues by introducing a curriculum using a weight for each data point, allowing the model to specialize on data it can represent while incentivizing it to cover as much data as possible by an entropy bonus. We extend our algorithm to a Mixture of (linear) Experts (MoE) such that the single components can specialize on local context regions, while the MoE covers all data points. We evaluate our approach in complex simulated and real robot control tasks and show it learns from versatile human demonstrations and significantly outperforms current SOTA methods. A reference implementation can be found at https://github.com/intuitive-robots/ml-cu

    Value function estimation using conditional diffusion models for control

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    A fairly reliable trend in deep reinforcement learning is that the performance scales with the number of parameters, provided a complimentary scaling in amount of training data. As the appetite for large models increases, it is imperative to address, sooner than later, the potential problem of running out of high-quality demonstrations. In this case, instead of collecting only new data via costly human demonstrations or risking a simulation-to-real transfer with uncertain effects, it would be beneficial to leverage vast amounts of readily-available low-quality data. Since classical control algorithms such as behavior cloning or temporal difference learning cannot be used on reward-free or action-free data out-of-the-box, this solution warrants novel training paradigms for continuous control. We propose a simple algorithm called Diffused Value Function (DVF), which learns a joint multi-step model of the environment-robot interaction dynamics using a diffusion model. This model can be efficiently learned from state sequences (i.e., without access to reward functions nor actions), and subsequently used to estimate the value of each action out-of-the-box. We show how DVF can be used to efficiently capture the state visitation measure for multiple controllers, and show promising qualitative and quantitative results on challenging robotics benchmarks
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