44,185 research outputs found

    Unsupervised learning of clutter-resistant visual representations from natural videos

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    Populations of neurons in inferotemporal cortex (IT) maintain an explicit code for object identity that also tolerates transformations of object appearance e.g., position, scale, viewing angle [1, 2, 3]. Though the learning rules are not known, recent results [4, 5, 6] suggest the operation of an unsupervised temporal-association-based method e.g., Foldiak's trace rule [7]. Such methods exploit the temporal continuity of the visual world by assuming that visual experience over short timescales will tend to have invariant identity content. Thus, by associating representations of frames from nearby times, a representation that tolerates whatever transformations occurred in the video may be achieved. Many previous studies verified that such rules can work in simple situations without background clutter, but the presence of visual clutter has remained problematic for this approach. Here we show that temporal association based on large class-specific filters (templates) avoids the problem of clutter. Our system learns in an unsupervised way from natural videos gathered from the internet, and is able to perform a difficult unconstrained face recognition task on natural images: Labeled Faces in the Wild [8]

    Slow and steady feature analysis: higher order temporal coherence in video

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    How can unlabeled video augment visual learning? Existing methods perform "slow" feature analysis, encouraging the representations of temporally close frames to exhibit only small differences. While this standard approach captures the fact that high-level visual signals change slowly over time, it fails to capture *how* the visual content changes. We propose to generalize slow feature analysis to "steady" feature analysis. The key idea is to impose a prior that higher order derivatives in the learned feature space must be small. To this end, we train a convolutional neural network with a regularizer on tuples of sequential frames from unlabeled video. It encourages feature changes over time to be smooth, i.e., similar to the most recent changes. Using five diverse datasets, including unlabeled YouTube and KITTI videos, we demonstrate our method's impact on object, scene, and action recognition tasks. We further show that our features learned from unlabeled video can even surpass a standard heavily supervised pretraining approach.Comment: in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2016, Las Vegas, NV, June 201

    Learning Temporal Transformations From Time-Lapse Videos

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    Based on life-long observations of physical, chemical, and biologic phenomena in the natural world, humans can often easily picture in their minds what an object will look like in the future. But, what about computers? In this paper, we learn computational models of object transformations from time-lapse videos. In particular, we explore the use of generative models to create depictions of objects at future times. These models explore several different prediction tasks: generating a future state given a single depiction of an object, generating a future state given two depictions of an object at different times, and generating future states recursively in a recurrent framework. We provide both qualitative and quantitative evaluations of the generated results, and also conduct a human evaluation to compare variations of our models.Comment: ECCV201

    Ambient Sound Provides Supervision for Visual Learning

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    The sound of crashing waves, the roar of fast-moving cars -- sound conveys important information about the objects in our surroundings. In this work, we show that ambient sounds can be used as a supervisory signal for learning visual models. To demonstrate this, we train a convolutional neural network to predict a statistical summary of the sound associated with a video frame. We show that, through this process, the network learns a representation that conveys information about objects and scenes. We evaluate this representation on several recognition tasks, finding that its performance is comparable to that of other state-of-the-art unsupervised learning methods. Finally, we show through visualizations that the network learns units that are selective to objects that are often associated with characteristic sounds.Comment: ECCV 201
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