4 research outputs found

    Motion planning in observations space with learned diffeomorphism models

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    We consider the problem of planning motions in observations space, based on learned models of the dynamics that associate to each action a diffeomorphism of the observations domain. For an arbitrary set of diffeomorphisms, this problem must be formulated as a generic search problem. We adapt established algorithms of the graph search family. In this scenario, node expansion is very costly, as each node in the graph is associated to an uncertain diffeomorphism and corresponding predicted observations. We describe several improvements that ameliorate performance: the introduction of better image similarities to use as heuristics; a method to reduce the number of expanded nodes by preliminarily identifying redundant plans; and a method to pre-compute composite actions that make the search efficient in all directions

    Learning diffeomorphism models of robotic sensorimotor cascades

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    The problem of bootstrapping consists in designing agents that can learn from scratch the model of their sensorimotor cascade (the series of robot actuators, the external world, and the robot sensors) and use it to achieve useful tasks. In principle, we would want to design agents that can work for any robot dynamics and any robot sensor(s). One of the difficulties of this problem is the fact that the observations are very high dimensional, the dynamics is nonlinear, and there is a wide range of “representation nuisances” to which we would want the agent to be robust. In this paper, we model the dynamics of sensorimotor cascades using diffeomorphisms of the sensel space. We show that this model captures the dynamics of camera and range-finder data, that it can be used for long-term predictions, and that it can capture nonlinear phenomena such as a limited field of view. Moreover, by analyzing the learned diffeomorphisms it is possible to recover the “linear structure” of the dynamics independently of the commands representation