95 research outputs found

    Active vision for dexterous grasping of novel objects

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    How should a robot direct active vision so as to ensure reliable grasping? We answer this question for the case of dexterous grasping of unfamiliar objects. By dexterous grasping we simply mean grasping by any hand with more than two fingers, such that the robot has some choice about where to place each finger. Such grasps typically fail in one of two ways, either unmodeled objects in the scene cause collisions or object reconstruction is insufficient to ensure that the grasp points provide a stable force closure. These problems can be solved more easily if active sensing is guided by the anticipated actions. Our approach has three stages. First, we take a single view and generate candidate grasps from the resulting partial object reconstruction. Second, we drive the active vision approach to maximise surface reconstruction quality around the planned contact points. During this phase, the anticipated grasp is continually refined. Third, we direct gaze to improve the safety of the planned reach to grasp trajectory. We show, on a dexterous manipulator with a camera on the wrist, that our approach (80.4% success rate) outperforms a randomised algorithm (64.3% success rate).Comment: IROS 2016. Supplementary video: https://youtu.be/uBSOO6tMzw

    Multi-View Picking: Next-best-view Reaching for Improved Grasping in Clutter

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    Camera viewpoint selection is an important aspect of visual grasp detection, especially in clutter where many occlusions are present. Where other approaches use a static camera position or fixed data collection routines, our Multi-View Picking (MVP) controller uses an active perception approach to choose informative viewpoints based directly on a distribution of grasp pose estimates in real time, reducing uncertainty in the grasp poses caused by clutter and occlusions. In trials of grasping 20 objects from clutter, our MVP controller achieves 80% grasp success, outperforming a single-viewpoint grasp detector by 12%. We also show that our approach is both more accurate and more efficient than approaches which consider multiple fixed viewpoints.Comment: ICRA 2019 Video: https://youtu.be/Vn3vSPKlaEk Code: https://github.com/dougsm/mvp_gras

    Model-free and learning-free grasping by Local Contact Moment matching

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    This paper addresses the problem of grasping arbitrarily shaped objects, observed as partial point-clouds, without requiring: models of the objects, physics parameters, training data, or other a-priori knowledge. A grasp metric is proposed based on Local Contact Moment (LoCoMo). LoCoMo combines zero-moment shift features, of both hand and object surface patches, to determine local similarity. This metric is then used to search for a set of feasible grasp poses with associated grasp likelihoods. LoCoMo overcomes some limitations of both classical grasp planners and learning-based approaches. Unlike force-closure analysis, LoCoMo does not require knowledge of physical parameters such as friction coefficients, and avoids assumptions about fingertip contacts, instead enabling robust contacts of large areas of hand and object surface. Unlike more recent learning-based approaches, LoCoMo does not require training data, and does not need any prototype grasp configurations to be taught by kinesthetic demonstration. We present results of real-robot experiments grasping 21 different objects, observed by a wrist-mounted depth camera. All objects are grasped successfully when presented to the robot individually. The robot also successfully clears cluttered heaps of objects by sequentially grasping and lifting objects until none remain.</p

    Improved Deep Neural Networks for Generative Robotic Grasping

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    This thesis provides a thorough evaluation of current state-of-the-art robotic grasping methods and contributes to a subset of data-driven grasp estimation approaches, termed generative models. These models aim to directly generate grasp region proposals from a given image without the need for a separate analysis and ranking step, which can be computationally expensive. This approach allows for fully end-to-end training of a model and quick closed-loop operation of a robot arm. A number of limitations are identified within these generative models, which are identified and addressed. Contributions are proposed that directly target each stage of the training pipeline that help to form accurate grasp proposals and generalise better to unseen objects. Firstly, inspired by theories of object manipulation within the mammalian visual system, the use of multi-task learning in existing generative architectures is evaluated. This aims to improve the performance of grasping algorithms when presented with impoverished colour (RGB) data by training models to perform simultaneous tasks such as object categorisation, saliency detection, and depth reconstruction. Secondly, a novel loss function is introduced which improves overall performance by rewarding the network to focus only on learning grasps at suitable positions. This reduces overall training times and results in better performance on fewer training examples. The last contribution analyses the problems with the most common metric used for evaluating and comparing offline performance between different grasping models and algorithms. To this end, a Gaussian method of representing ground-truth labelled grasps is put forward, which optimal grasp locations tested in a simulated grasping environment. The combination of these novel additions to generative models results in improved grasp success, accuracy, and performance on common benchmark datasets compared to previous approaches. Furthermore, the efficacy of these contributions is also tested when transferred to a physical robotic arm, demonstrating the ability to effectively grasp previously unseen 3D printed objects of varying complexity and difficulty without the need for domain adaptation. Finally, the future directions are discussed for generative convolutional models within the overall field of robotic grasping

    Design of a 3D-printed soft robotic hand with distributed tactile sensing for multi-grasp object identification

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    Tactile object identification is essential in environments where vision is occluded or when intrinsic object properties such as weight or stiffness need to be discriminated between. The robotic approach to this task has traditionally been to use rigid-bodied robots equipped with complex control schemes to explore different objects. However, whilst varying degrees of success have been demonstrated, these approaches are limited in their generalisability due to the complexity of the control schemes required to facilitate safe interactions with diverse objects. In this regard, Soft Robotics has garnered increased attention in the past decade due to the ability to exploit Morphological Computation through the agent's body to simplify the task by conforming naturally to the geometry of objects being explored. This exists as a paradigm shift in the design of robots since Soft Robotics seeks to take inspiration from biological solutions and embody adaptability in order to interact with the environment rather than relying on centralised computation. In this thesis, we formulate, simplify, and solve an object identification task using Soft Robotic principles. We design an anthropomorphic hand that has human-like range of motion and compliance in the actuation and sensing. The range of motion is validated through the Feix GRASP taxonomy and the Kapandji Thumb Opposition test. The hand is monolithically fabricated using multi-material 3D printing to enable the exploitation of different material properties within the same body and limit variability between samples. The hand's compliance facilitates adaptable grasping of a wide range of objects and features integrated distributed tactile sensing. We emulate the human approach of integrating information from multiple contacts and grasps of objects to discriminate between them. Two bespoke neural networks are designed to extract patterns from both the tactile data and the relationships between grasps to facilitate high classification accuracy

    Learning deep representations for robotics applications

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    In this thesis, two hierarchical learning representations are explored in computer vision tasks. First, a novel graph theoretic method for statistical shape analysis, called Compositional Hierarchy of Parts (CHOP), was proposed. The method utilises line-based features as its building blocks for the representation of shapes. A deep, multi-layer vocabulary is learned by recursively compressing this initial representation. The key contribution of this work is to formulate layerwise learning as a frequent sub-graph discovery problem, solved using the Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle. The experiments show that CHOP employs part shareability and data compression features, and yields state-of- the-art shape retrieval performance on 3 benchmark datasets. In the second part of the thesis, a hybrid generative-evaluative method was used to solve the dexterous grasping problem. This approach combines a learned dexterous grasp generation model with two novel evaluative models based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). The data- efficient generative method learns from a human demonstrator. The evaluative models are trained in simulation, using the grasps proposed by the generative approach and the depth images of the objects from a single view. On a real grasp dataset of 49 scenes with previously unseen objects, the proposed hybrid architecture outperforms the purely generative method, with a grasp success rate of 77.7% to 57.1%. The thesis concludes by comparing the two families of deep architectures, compositional hierarchies and DNNs, providing insights on their strengths and weaknesses