2 research outputs found

    Learning a Robust Society of Tracking Parts using Co-occurrence Constraints

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    Object tracking is an essential problem in computer vision that has been researched for several decades. One of the main challenges in tracking is to adapt to object appearance changes over time and avoiding drifting to background clutter. We address this challenge by proposing a deep neural network composed of different parts, which functions as a society of tracking parts. They work in conjunction according to a certain policy and learn from each other in a robust manner, using co-occurrence constraints that ensure robust inference and learning. From a structural point of view, our network is composed of two main pathways. One pathway is more conservative. It carefully monitors a large set of simple tracker parts learned as linear filters over deep feature activation maps. It assigns the parts different roles. It promotes the reliable ones and removes the inconsistent ones. We learn these filters simultaneously in an efficient way, with a single closed-form formulation, for which we propose novel theoretical properties. The second pathway is more progressive. It is learned completely online and thus it is able to better model object appearance changes. In order to adapt in a robust manner, it is learned only on highly confident frames, which are decided using co-occurrences with the first pathway. Thus, our system has the full benefit of two main approaches in tracking. The larger set of simpler filter parts offers robustness, while the full deep network learned online provides adaptability to change. As shown in the experimental section, our approach achieves state of the art performance on the challenging VOT17 benchmark, outperforming the published methods both on the general EAO metric and in the number of fails, by a significant margin.Comment: 17+3 pages, 5 figures, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Visual Object Tracking worksho

    SFTrack++: A Fast Learnable Spectral Segmentation Approach for Space-Time Consistent Tracking

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    We propose an object tracking method, SFTrack++, that smoothly learns to preserve the tracked object consistency over space and time dimensions by taking a spectral clustering approach over the graph of pixels from the video, using a fast 3D filtering formulation for finding the principal eigenvector of this graph's adjacency matrix. To better capture complex aspects of the tracked object, we enrich our formulation to multi-channel inputs, which permit different points of view for the same input. The channel inputs are in our experiments, the output of multiple tracking methods. After combining them, instead of relying only on hidden layers representations to predict a good tracking bounding box, we explicitly learn an intermediate, more refined one, namely the segmentation map of the tracked object. This prevents the rough common bounding box approach to introduce noise and distractors in the learning process. We test our method, SFTrack++, on five tracking benchmarks: OTB, UAV, NFS, GOT-10k, and TrackingNet, using five top trackers as input. Our experimental results validate the pre-registered hypothesis. We obtain consistent and robust results, competitive on the three traditional benchmarks (OTB, UAV, NFS) and significantly on top of others (by over 1.1%1.1\% on accuracy) on GOT-10k and TrackingNet, which are newer, larger, and more varied datasets.Comment: Accepted at Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2020 - Pre-registration Workshop and at The International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2021 - Structured Representations for Video Understanding Worksho