2,219 research outputs found

    Learning a probabilistic latent space of object shapes via 3D generative-adversarial modeling

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    We study the problem of 3D object generation. We propose a novel framework, namely 3D Generative Adversarial Network (3D-GAN), which generates 3D objects from a probabilistic space by leveraging recent advances in volumetric convo-lutional networks and generative adversarial nets. The benefits of our model are three-fold: first, the use of an adversarial criterion, instead of traditional heuristic criteria, enables the generator to capture object structure implicitly and to synthesize high-quality 3D objects; second, the generator establishes a mapping from a low-dimensional probabilistic space to the space of 3D objects, so that we can sample objects without a reference image or CAD models, and explore the 3D object manifold; third, the adversarial discriminator provides a powerful 3D shape descriptor which, learned without supervision, has wide applications in 3D object recognition. Experiments demonstrate that our method generates high-quality 3D objects, and our unsupervisedly learned features achieve impressive performance on 3D object recognition, comparable with those of supervised learning methods

    Interactive 3D Modeling with a Generative Adversarial Network

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    This paper proposes the idea of using a generative adversarial network (GAN) to assist a novice user in designing real-world shapes with a simple interface. The user edits a voxel grid with a painting interface (like Minecraft). Yet, at any time, he/she can execute a SNAP command, which projects the current voxel grid onto a latent shape manifold with a learned projection operator and then generates a similar, but more realistic, shape using a learned generator network. Then the user can edit the resulting shape and snap again until he/she is satisfied with the result. The main advantage of this approach is that the projection and generation operators assist novice users to create 3D models characteristic of a background distribution of object shapes, but without having to specify all the details. The core new research idea is to use a GAN to support this application. 3D GANs have previously been used for shape generation, interpolation, and completion, but never for interactive modeling. The new challenge for this application is to learn a projection operator that takes an arbitrary 3D voxel model and produces a latent vector on the shape manifold from which a similar and realistic shape can be generated. We develop algorithms for this and other steps of the SNAP processing pipeline and integrate them into a simple modeling tool. Experiments with these algorithms and tool suggest that GANs provide a promising approach to computer-assisted interactive modeling.Comment: Published at International Conference on 3D Vision 2017 (http://irc.cs.sdu.edu.cn/3dv/index.html

    Learning a Hierarchical Latent-Variable Model of 3D Shapes

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    We propose the Variational Shape Learner (VSL), a generative model that learns the underlying structure of voxelized 3D shapes in an unsupervised fashion. Through the use of skip-connections, our model can successfully learn and infer a latent, hierarchical representation of objects. Furthermore, realistic 3D objects can be easily generated by sampling the VSL's latent probabilistic manifold. We show that our generative model can be trained end-to-end from 2D images to perform single image 3D model retrieval. Experiments show, both quantitatively and qualitatively, the improved generalization of our proposed model over a range of tasks, performing better or comparable to various state-of-the-art alternatives.Comment: Accepted as oral presentation at International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 201
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