7,967 research outputs found

    Extrapolating Beyond Suboptimal Demonstrations via Inverse Reinforcement Learning from Observations

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    A critical flaw of existing inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) methods is their inability to significantly outperform the demonstrator. This is because IRL typically seeks a reward function that makes the demonstrator appear near-optimal, rather than inferring the underlying intentions of the demonstrator that may have been poorly executed in practice. In this paper, we introduce a novel reward-learning-from-observation algorithm, Trajectory-ranked Reward EXtrapolation (T-REX), that extrapolates beyond a set of (approximately) ranked demonstrations in order to infer high-quality reward functions from a set of potentially poor demonstrations. When combined with deep reinforcement learning, T-REX outperforms state-of-the-art imitation learning and IRL methods on multiple Atari and MuJoCo benchmark tasks and achieves performance that is often more than twice the performance of the best demonstration. We also demonstrate that T-REX is robust to ranking noise and can accurately extrapolate intention by simply watching a learner noisily improve at a task over time.Comment: In proceedings of Thirty-sixth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2019

    Few-Shot Goal Inference for Visuomotor Learning and Planning

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    Reinforcement learning and planning methods require an objective or reward function that encodes the desired behavior. Yet, in practice, there is a wide range of scenarios where an objective is difficult to provide programmatically, such as tasks with visual observations involving unknown object positions or deformable objects. In these cases, prior methods use engineered problem-specific solutions, e.g., by instrumenting the environment with additional sensors to measure a proxy for the objective. Such solutions require a significant engineering effort on a per-task basis, and make it impractical for robots to continuously learn complex skills outside of laboratory settings. We aim to find a more general and scalable solution for specifying goals for robot learning in unconstrained environments. To that end, we formulate the few-shot objective learning problem, where the goal is to learn a task objective from only a few example images of successful end states for that task. We propose a simple solution to this problem: meta-learn a classifier that can recognize new goals from a few examples. We show how this approach can be used with both model-free reinforcement learning and visual model-based planning and show results in three domains: rope manipulation from images in simulation, visual navigation in a simulated 3D environment, and object arrangement into user-specified configurations on a real robot.Comment: Videos available at https://sites.google.com/view/few-shot-goal

    Unsupervised adaptation of brain machine interface decoders

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    The performance of neural decoders can degrade over time due to nonstationarities in the relationship between neuronal activity and behavior. In this case, brain-machine interfaces (BMI) require adaptation of their decoders to maintain high performance across time. One way to achieve this is by use of periodical calibration phases, during which the BMI system (or an external human demonstrator) instructs the user to perform certain movements or behaviors. This approach has two disadvantages: (i) calibration phases interrupt the autonomous operation of the BMI and (ii) between two calibration phases the BMI performance might not be stable but continuously decrease. A better alternative would be that the BMI decoder is able to continuously adapt in an unsupervised manner during autonomous BMI operation, i.e. without knowing the movement intentions of the user. In the present article, we present an efficient method for such unsupervised training of BMI systems for continuous movement control. The proposed method utilizes a cost function derived from neuronal recordings, which guides a learning algorithm to evaluate the decoding parameters. We verify the performance of our adaptive method by simulating a BMI user with an optimal feedback control model and its interaction with our adaptive BMI decoder. The simulation results show that the cost function and the algorithm yield fast and precise trajectories towards targets at random orientations on a 2-dimensional computer screen. For initially unknown and non-stationary tuning parameters, our unsupervised method is still able to generate precise trajectories and to keep its performance stable in the long term. The algorithm can optionally work also with neuronal error signals instead or in conjunction with the proposed unsupervised adaptation.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Frontiers in Neuroprosthetic

    One-Shot Imitation Learning

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    Imitation learning has been commonly applied to solve different tasks in isolation. This usually requires either careful feature engineering, or a significant number of samples. This is far from what we desire: ideally, robots should be able to learn from very few demonstrations of any given task, and instantly generalize to new situations of the same task, without requiring task-specific engineering. In this paper, we propose a meta-learning framework for achieving such capability, which we call one-shot imitation learning. Specifically, we consider the setting where there is a very large set of tasks, and each task has many instantiations. For example, a task could be to stack all blocks on a table into a single tower, another task could be to place all blocks on a table into two-block towers, etc. In each case, different instances of the task would consist of different sets of blocks with different initial states. At training time, our algorithm is presented with pairs of demonstrations for a subset of all tasks. A neural net is trained that takes as input one demonstration and the current state (which initially is the initial state of the other demonstration of the pair), and outputs an action with the goal that the resulting sequence of states and actions matches as closely as possible with the second demonstration. At test time, a demonstration of a single instance of a new task is presented, and the neural net is expected to perform well on new instances of this new task. The use of soft attention allows the model to generalize to conditions and tasks unseen in the training data. We anticipate that by training this model on a much greater variety of tasks and settings, we will obtain a general system that can turn any demonstrations into robust policies that can accomplish an overwhelming variety of tasks. Videos available at https://bit.ly/nips2017-oneshot

    Meta-learners' learning dynamics are unlike learners'

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    Meta-learning is a tool that allows us to build sample-efficient learning systems. Here we show that, once meta-trained, LSTM Meta-Learners aren't just faster learners than their sample-inefficient deep learning (DL) and reinforcement learning (RL) brethren, but that they actually pursue fundamentally different learning trajectories. We study their learning dynamics on three sets of structured tasks for which the corresponding learning dynamics of DL and RL systems have been previously described: linear regression (Saxe et al., 2013), nonlinear regression (Rahaman et al., 2018; Xu et al., 2018), and contextual bandits (Schaul et al., 2019). In each case, while sample-inefficient DL and RL Learners uncover the task structure in a staggered manner, meta-trained LSTM Meta-Learners uncover almost all task structure concurrently, congruent with the patterns expected from Bayes-optimal inference algorithms. This has implications for research areas wherever the learning behaviour itself is of interest, such as safety, curriculum design, and human-in-the-loop machine learning.Comment: 26 pages, 23 figure

    Theory of mind and decision science: Towards a typology of tasks and computational models

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    The ability to form a Theory of Mind (ToM), i.e., to theorize about others’ mental states to explain and predict behavior in relation to attributed intentional states, constitutes a hallmark of human cognition. These abilities are multi-faceted and include a variety of different cognitive sub-functions. Here, we focus on decision processes in social contexts and review a number of experimental and computational modeling approaches in this field. We provide an overview of experimental accounts and formal computational models with respect to two dimensions: interactivity and uncertainty. Thereby, we aim at capturing the nuances of ToM functions in the context of social decision processes. We suggest there to be an increase in ToM engagement and multiplexing as social cognitive decision-making tasks become more interactive and uncertain. We propose that representing others as intentional and goal directed agents who perform consequential actions is elicited only at the edges of these two dimensions. Further, we argue that computational models of valuation and beliefs follow these dimensions to best allow researchers to effectively model sophisticated ToM-processes. Finally, we relate this typology to neuroimaging findings in neurotypical (NT) humans, studies of persons with autism spectrum (AS), and studies of nonhuman primates

    Multi-task Maximum Entropy Inverse Reinforcement Learning

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    Multi-task Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) is the problem of inferring multiple reward functions from expert demonstrations. Prior work, built on Bayesian IRL, is unable to scale to complex environments due to computational constraints. This paper contributes a formulation of multi-task IRL in the more computationally efficient Maximum Causal Entropy (MCE) IRL framework. Experiments show our approach can perform one-shot imitation learning in a gridworld environment that single-task IRL algorithms need hundreds of demonstrations to solve. We outline preliminary work using meta-learning to extend our method to the function approximator setting of modern MCE IRL algorithms. Evaluating on multi-task variants of common simulated robotics benchmarks, we discover serious limitations of these IRL algorithms, and conclude with suggestions for further work.Comment: Presented at 1st Workshop on Goal Specifications for Reinforcement Learning (ICML/IJCAI/AAMAS 2018

    Meta-Inverse Reinforcement Learning with Probabilistic Context Variables

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    Providing a suitable reward function to reinforcement learning can be difficult in many real world applications. While inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) holds promise for automatically learning reward functions from demonstrations, several major challenges remain. First, existing IRL methods learn reward functions from scratch, requiring large numbers of demonstrations to correctly infer the reward for each task the agent may need to perform. Second, existing methods typically assume homogeneous demonstrations for a single behavior or task, while in practice, it might be easier to collect datasets of heterogeneous but related behaviors. To this end, we propose a deep latent variable model that is capable of learning rewards from demonstrations of distinct but related tasks in an unsupervised way. Critically, our model can infer rewards for new, structurally-similar tasks from a single demonstration. Our experiments on multiple continuous control tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach compared to state-of-the-art imitation and inverse reinforcement learning methods.Comment: NeurIPS 201

    Getting to Know One Another: Calibrating Intent, Capabilities and Trust for Human-Robot Collaboration

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    Common experience suggests that agents who know each other well are better able to work together. In this work, we address the problem of calibrating intention and capabilities in human-robot collaboration. In particular, we focus on scenarios where the robot is attempting to assist a human who is unable to directly communicate her intent. Moreover, both agents may have differing capabilities that are unknown to one another. We adopt a decision-theoretic approach and propose the TICC-POMDP for modeling this setting, with an associated online solver. Experiments show our approach leads to better team performance both in simulation and in a real-world study with human subjects.Comment: IROS 202

    Meta-Adversarial Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Decision-making Tasks

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    Learning from demonstrations has made great progress over the past few years. However, it is generally data hungry and task specific. In other words, it requires a large amount of data to train a decent model on a particular task, and the model often fails to generalize to new tasks that have a different distribution. In practice, demonstrations from new tasks will be continuously observed and the data might be unlabeled or only partially labeled. Therefore, it is desirable for the trained model to adapt to new tasks that have limited data samples available. In this work, we build an adaptable imitation learning model based on the integration of Meta-learning and Adversarial Inverse Reinforcement Learning (Meta-AIRL). We exploit the adversarial learning and inverse reinforcement learning mechanisms to learn policies and reward functions simultaneously from available training tasks and then adapt them to new tasks with the meta-learning framework. Simulation results show that the adapted policy trained with Meta-AIRL can effectively learn from limited number of demonstrations, and quickly reach the performance comparable to that of the experts on unseen tasks.Comment: 2021 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2021
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